Bearberry Leaves

Bearberry stands in line with the most common medicinal herbs. For medical purposes, it has been used for a long time. Especially effective are bearberry leaves, which are used for household purposes and in the pharmaceutical industry. Such popularity was received by the plant due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which made it possible to treat a lot of common ailments with bearberry.

The medicinal properties of the bearberry leaf

Collect the leaves during the flowering period. From them prepare various infusions and decoctions, which have a positive effect on various systems of the body.

Leaves of bearberry are actively used in cystitis, pyelitis, prostatitis and urethritis due to a diuretic property. The drug increases urination and helps to eliminate inflammation. Antiseptic action is explained by the synthesis of hydroquinone, which appears during the hydrolysis of arbutin. Do not worry, when in this process urine acquires a greenish tinge.

The plant is used in a raw and dry form for the preparation of broths, as well as in the form of powder, which has an astringent effect on the stomach, helping to treat gastritis , heartburn and digestive disorders.

Actively used leaves bearberry due to its anti-inflammatory properties externally as compresses and rinses for diathesis and purulent skin lesions.

In addition, the plant is known for its analgesic effect, which allows it to be used to relieve pain in diseases of the joints and oncological formations.

Plant tincture is advised for taking with insomnia , nervous tension and alcoholism.

Application of bearberry leaves

For the treatment of diabetes:

  1. Dry leaves (1 tablespoon) are poured over with boiling water (glass).
  2. Leave the infusion aid for about four hours.
  3. Drink up to five times a day for three tablespoons.

The same solution is used for cystitis and urethritis.

To remove fatigue, prepare such a composition:

  1. Dry raw materials (10 g) are placed in a saucepan, pouring boiling water (a glass).
  2. The agent is kept on a steam bath, then allowed to stand for half an hour.
  3. Drink on a spoon a frequency of up to five times a day with a course of two or three weeks.

Contraindications for the use of bearberry leaves

In the absence of special doctor's recommendations, take the remedy for longer than a week. It is forbidden to carry treatment with bearberry to such persons: