Green tea with milk

Green tea came to us from the East, where no tea ceremony can not do without this curative drink. The color of the tea leaves depends on their processing. Unlike black, green tea goes through much less stages, involving only drying, preserving the beneficial properties of tea. And he has a lot of useful properties.

About the benefits of green tea

Green tea contains more tannin than other types of tea. This is due to its ability to purify the body of heavy metals and toxins. Due to the diuretic effect, its benefit extends to the kidneys. Green tea reduces appetite and contains minimal calories. Thanks to the cleansing effect and low calorie, green tea promotes weight loss. Oriental people believe that it is green tea that preserves youth. Not for nothing did he find its use in cosmetology. Green tea has a cleansing effect, tones up the skin and improves the complexion. By the way, compresses from green tea will help to cope with the problem of dark circles under the eyes.

Unlike black, green tea, the content of caffeine in which is two times lower, has a slight tonic effect on the body. Doctors agree that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as the development of oncology. Regular use of this drink normalizes metabolism, so this Chinese green tea is effective for weight loss. Someone thinks that green tea burns calories, however, it's rather difficult to call it a fat burner. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the body of harmful substances and improving digestion, which subsequently contributes to weight loss.

Green tea with milk

Adding milk makes green tea only tastier. But at the same time and high-calorie, - you say. However, in this case, caloric content is compensated by excess calcium. An interesting study in this regard was held by the University of Hawaii. "Experimental" women were offered only to drink a glass of milk every day. Contrary to expectations, at the end of the experiment, along with significant strengthening of the nails and teeth, there was also a decrease in body weight. Scientists have linked this mysterious coincidence with the dependence of calcium deficiency and obesity. In the following, a green tea diet with milk was developed, the effectiveness of which has been proved by experience. Cleansing effect of green tea in a compartment with rich microelements of milk helps to lose weight without harm to the body.

What is the essence of the diet? There are two approaches - radical and sparing. If you need a noticeable result and you do not have stomach problems, you can resort to radical measures. In this case, it is recommended to give up food, except for a couple of your favorite fruits a day. As a drink, choose green tea with milk. If you are unthinkable tea without sugar, replace it with a teaspoon of honey. In addition to tea, you must drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. Complicated? Then the desire to lose weight in you is not so great.

But if the goal of your diet is to purify the body to a greater extent, then a day of rest, as a more sparing measure, will do just fine. The meaning of unloading is simple - when you want to eat, drink the above-mentioned green tea with milk, not forgetting also about water. But it's better to forget about food on such a day, so as not to interfere with tea to carry out cleansing procedures, then the effect will be more noticeable.

It is also worthwhile to dwell on the ways of making a useful drink, of which there are also two.

Method one:

Lovers say that maximum benefit and taste are achieved by brewing green tea in milk. Thus, the milk is heated to the desired temperature, and then instead of boiling water is used to make tea. In this case, water is not needed at all.

Method two:

This option can be called more easy, but not less useful. We take in equal parts milk and boiling water, mix and pour the tea leaves. The color of the tea will turn out to be more green, and the taste is less milky.

By the way, green tea with milk can be drunk both hot and cold. Benefits of this not diminished. In connection with its curative effect on the body, it is recommended to consume green tea before exercise and after training. Knowingly it is popular with sportsmen and fitness enthusiasts. Green tea has also found application in bodybuilding. The spectrum of the effect of tea on the body is very wide. However, it must be remembered that under reduced pressure it is not necessary to get involved, as green tea is used, for the most part, just to combat hypertension.