Why do hair fall out after birth?

Quite often, women complain that they have hair very quickly and in great volume after birth, but why they do it, they can not understand. Consider this situation in more detail and try to understand and name the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Why do babies lose hair after birth on their heads?

It is worth noting that this kind of process takes place in any person almost continuously. Over time, hair bulbs die, as a result of which the structure of the root system of the hair is broken and it falls out.

However, usually the number of them is small, so many do not even attach importance to this. However, after the appearance of the baby, the situation changes dramatically.

The main reason for explaining the fact that hair falls out of the hair almost immediately after birth is a sharp decrease in the concentration of a hormone such as estrogen. This, in turn, is caused by an increase in the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which is directly responsible for lactation , - the production of breast milk.

It is also worth noting that often the cause of hair loss after the birth of the baby may be the oppressed state of the mother or postpartum stress , lack of sleep.

How to deal with this phenomenon?

Having dealt with why the hair on the head drops out in young women after childbirth, let's talk about what to do with the newly mum in this situation.

The first thing that comes to the aid of a woman in most similar situations is various recipes of traditional medicine. So, according to the moms who coped with this problem, masks using bread (preferably rye), warmed milk whey and egg yolk, can be an excellent remedy for hair loss in the postpartum period. Also good help to strengthen the hair rinse bulbs with a decoction of herbs such as nettles, burdock, roots of aira, rubbing directly into the roots of the hair of jojoba and burdock oils.

Also, if possible, the woman should make the haircut shorter. It is known that this helps to increase the intensity of new hair growth. However, this option is not suitable for all ladies.

It will be superfluous during the lactation to drink vitamins, of which there are many. There are even vitamin complexes specially for nursing. However, before using them, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.

Thus, as can be seen, there are many ways to strengthen hair weakened after delivery. However, to choose the right one in a particular case, a woman should consult a doctor.