Cherry compote for winter without sterilization

The proverb that the sledge needs to be cooked in the summer becomes especially relevant in regard to conservation: what you will prepare in the summer, that will bring you to refreshment in the cold. Fragrant cherry compote is one of the favorite drinks that can be closed in the bank for the winter, but it's not only the owner who likes it. As an alternative, we offer conservationists to store compote, the recipe of which does not require long dances with a tambourine over a steam-heated dish - a cherry compote for the winter without sterilization, which is prepared quickly and simply.

How to prepare cherries for winter?

Preparation of compote without sterilization resembles the process of brewing oatmeal of instant cooking: put the product in a jar, threw the sweetener, filled everything with boiling water - it's ready!



Pre-clean the berries from the pedicels and very carefully wash with running water - our task is to get rid of all possible contaminants so that the medium inside the jar is as sterile as possible. We fall asleep lavender cherry in a clean jar, pour sugar on top, citric acid and go to the key stage, including the addition of boiling water. It is desirable to pour the boiling water over the wall of the container using a metal spoon or knife so that the pot does not burst. When the container is filled with water, roll it with the lid rinsed in boiling water and roll it up. Only after complete cooling the compote of sweet cherries with citric acid can be left for storage.

Compote of sweet cherry with mint for winter

Make berry compote more flavorful with simple cherry stones, and mint will help to add a light refreshing taste.



Sprinkle the cherry bones in a gauze pouch and put it on the bottom of jars with berries. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water and leave to cool to warm. When cherry will give the lion's share of its fragrance, the resulting infusion is poured into an enamel pot, pour the sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. In, just removed from the plate syrup, add a sprig of mint and a pinch of muscat, immediately fill them with the contents of cans and roll them up with lids. The latter should preferably be lowered into boiling water before use.

How to close the compote of cherries and strawberries without sterilization?



Fresh berries are put on the bottom of a clean three-liter jar and pour steep boiling water. After 3 minutes on the neck of the jar we put on the lid with holes and merge the resulting solution from the jar into the pan. Pour sugar into the solution and put it on the stove. As soon as the syrup reaches the boil, we add it with citric acid and immediately pour it back into the jar. We cover the lids with boiling water and use them to roll up the tanks.

Compote from sweet cherries without sugar for the winter

If the absence of white sugar is fundamental, then you can replace the latter with fructose, stevia, agave syrup or honey, then the drink will turn out to be sweet, but still useful. If the sugar should be absent completely, then cook the compote as well as its sweet analog, only without adding any sweeteners.



Sweet cherries directly in the jars, pour hot water into a bowl, add honey, citric acid, and if desired, you can put any natural flavor - a stick of cinnamon, a vanilla pod and the like. With boiling syrup, pour in the berries and roll up the jars.