How to treat a severe cough in a child?

All parents love when their children are cheerful, cheerful and healthy, but what to do if a child gets sick and is persecuted by a violent cough? First you need to understand why this is happening and, accordingly, choose the right therapy, because every disease - their own treatment.

How to treat a severe dry cough in a child?

The treatment involves the transfer of a cough from dry to wet, so that sputum begins to flow away. This can be achieved with the help of alkaline inhalations (a solution of soda, mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki"), as well as a number of drugs that dilute the mucus:

How to treat a strong wet cough in a child?

If the dry cough has passed into the wet stage, you can take mucolytics (expectorants). On the appointment of a doctor and in the absence of temperature, a specialist appoints warming procedures, such as electrophoresis, inhalations, mustard, massage helps very well. Such drugs are used:

When a child has a strong expectorant cough, the choice to treat it is still with the doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous, especially in children under the age of two, because of the overabundance of mucus, there are big problems with breathing. In addition to medicinal therapy, in babies sputum departs better with a mild rubbing of the back and chest massaging gentle movements. If the child is older, then the output of sputum may be facilitated by mobile games, but if there is no temperature.

How to treat a strong barking cough in a child?

When laryngospasm, when barking (mainly at night) cough occurs, should be inhaled mineral water, take antihistamines, antipyretic, distracting procedures, expectorants, and often need to offer the child a warm drink. It is important to ensure the influx of fresh moist air to stop the attack. In serious cases, a prednisolone or dexamethasone injection is required.

Than to cure a strong cough in a child at night?

At night, the cough is different. This may be an allergic reaction, a viral disease, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. It is necessary to do a wet cleaning in the room, spend airing before going to bed, give plenty to drink to the baby during the day.

If the baby is coughing at night, it is better not to treat it yourself, as this will worsen the condition. In this case, you should see a doctor for an appointment survey.