Thiazide diuretics

Diuretics - drugs that specifically affect the kidneys and contribute to the rapid removal of urine from the body. Basically, they are used to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, therapy of cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the urinary system, poisoning with toxic substances, etc. In various cases, certain types of diuretics are shown, the mechanism of action of which is based on various processes. Let's consider in what cases the use of thiazide diuretics is recommended, and also how they function and what medications are presented.

The mechanism of action of thiazide diuretics

These drugs are medications of medium strength of effect, the effect of which is observed approximately 2-4 hours after administration and lasts about 12 hours. Thiazide diuretics affect the distal renal tubules, which is manifested by the following main results:

In general, thiazide diuretics are prescribed for:

Sometimes these drugs are combined with loop diuretics, which helps to reduce the dose-related side effects characteristic of each of these types of medications.

List of Thiazide Diuretics

The list of diuretics of the thiazide series is represented by preparations with several active ingredients, the main ones of which are: