Noise in the head - causes

One of the most complex complaints is noise in the head, because there are many reasons why this symptom may appear. A strange sensation is often accompanied by dizziness . It can talk about the development of a serious ailment, the launch of which is not recommended. With appropriate complaints, experts carefully study the patient's history, and also appoint detailed tests so that they can diagnose as accurately as possible. Until now, any treatment is not recommended.

Causes of constant noise in the head

There are several main reasons, because of which there is a constant noise in the head:

  1. Age change. Often the elderly people have a background in their ears and head. The main reason is regressive processes. This is not considered a serious problem, but usually you can not cure the ailment.
  2. Aneurysms of the vessels of the head. This cause of constant noise in the head is serious and represents a small stretch of the blood flow resulting in small pouches. To the constant noise can be added pulsating headaches.
  3. Atherosclerosis. This disease also often causes noise in the head. This is due to the fact that cholesterol clogs the vessels and there are atherosclerotic plaques, as a result of which the blood needs to be pushed forward with greater force. This leads to a constant buzz in the temporal region.
  4. Vegetosovascular dystonia. Sometimes this ailment causes noise in the head.
  5. Instability of cervical vertebrae. As a result, there is excessive pressure on the blood vessels. This kind of noise is not sharp. A person quickly gets used to it, because of what can for a long time do not apply to specialists.
  6. Hypoxia of the brain. Appears in connection with the problems of the cardiovascular system and the violation of blood circulation in the brain.
  7. Increased susceptibility to the world. Such a state can be formed as a result of neurosis or neurotic states.

Causes of pulsating noise in the head

In some cases, noise in the head may not appear constantly.

Stress is considered the most innocuous cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Usually it quickly passes after a change in the situation or calm.

There are several other factors that can lead to temporary noise in the head:

Causes of head noise in lying position

One of the main causes of noise in the head in the horizontal position is the obstruction of the Eustachian tube. The hum is acute and appears in the ear or occiput. It increases with a low position of the head. Such a background decreases when a person moves to a horizontal position. In some cases, accompanied by dizziness.

Causes of noise in the left side of the head

There are several main reasons for the appearance of unusual noise on the left side of the head:

Causes of noise in the head in the morning

There are several main reasons that can lead to the occurrence of a morning noise in the head:

In any case, when there is noise in the head, it is not recommended to wait until it passes by itself. It is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible to make the correct diagnosis.