Hydrangea paniculate "Phantom"

Even one single hydrangea shrub can give your garden a charm, revitalize it and fill with enchanting honey aroma, especially if it is a panicle hydrangea of ​​the Phantom variety. All about how to properly care for the hydrangea and which part of the garden it is best to plant, you can learn from our article.

Hydrangea paniculate "Phantom" - description

The variety "Phantom" in many ways can be called a true world record holder of hydrangeas:

Flowering hydrangeas "Phantom" begins usually at the age of 4 -5 years and with competent timely pruning is maintained until old age. Buds start to blossom in early July and cover the bush until mid-October. When the petals are blossomed, they have a soft cream color that changes over time to a gently pink color. In the landscape landscape, the phantom hydrangea hydrangea is used most often in solitary and group plantings for the design of recreation areas, hedges and front gardens.

Hydrangea paniculate "Phantom" - planting and care

Like many other varieties of hydrangeas, the flattened hydrangea "Phantom" has a fairly high resistance to the vagaries of nature and does not require complex and time-consuming care. But that it could fully reveal its full potential, certain efforts will have to be made. The basic requirements for growing hydrangeas are as follows:

  1. The site for planting a panic hydrangea "Phantom" needs to choose a well-lit, but not most of the day in the sun. Best for these purposes is the area near the fence or the walls of the house, which will serve as a hydrangea protection against strong gusts of wind.
  2. The duration and quality of hydrangea bloom directly depends on the level of nutrients in the soil, so it is best to plant it in fertile areas. Experience shows that the hydrangea grows miraculously on clay sites, but it does not like soil with a high sand content. Similarly, hydrangea feels itself in acidic soils, and a neutral acidity level causes delays in flowering and diseases of the whole plant. Therefore, the soil before planting is recommended to slightly acidify, adding peat, sawdust or coniferous soil to the pit.
  3. The root system of hydrangea develops superficially, and this must be taken into account both during irrigation and when removing weeds. In order to keep the moisture necessary for the plant, the whiplash can be covered or planted in it ground cover plants.
  4. It is necessary to hydrate hydrangea often enough, starting top dressing from the moment of bud budding. For top dressing, you can use both universal complex fertilizers and organic. So, during the vegetation period it is necessary to feed the hydrangea bush with green fertilizer, and during the budding - the mineral complex. With periodicity in 1,5-2 weeks hydrangea "Phantom" must be watered with a solution of the overgrown Mullein or chicken manure.
  5. Trim the panic hydrangea "Phantom" every year in the spring, mercilessly removing all frozen and sick shoots. Annual shoots are cut to 3-5 pairs of buds, which contributes to their more active flowering. During pruning, the bush is also formed.
  6. The hydrangeas that are left after pruning are usually used for propagation, surviving from a few days in Kornevin's solution, and then planting on two buds in open ground.