Warm-up for twine

Twine - an exercise that requires developed and stretched muscles. If you do it without training, you can get injured. The warm-up for twine should not be long and it's enough to spend only 15 minutes. Experts recommend performing exercises not only for warming up the muscles that take part in the training, but also pay attention to the back and other parts of the body.

Articulation before the twine

One of the most important components of training before training, as the joints must be heated and stretched. Exercises are very simple and have been known since the lessons of physical education.

  1. For neck warming, make head turns, and rotations and inclines in different directions.
  2. Warm-up of the joints in the hands means the making of rotational movements in the area of ​​the wrists, elbows and in the shoulders. It is important that your hands are straight and taut.
  3. It is necessary to stretch the lower back, for which perform the slopes, and still the rotation of the body and pelvis.
  4. End the joint warm-up to sit on the twine, stands with his feet. Perform the rotation of the foot, and then the leg bent at the knee and thigh.

All these exercises need to spend about 5-7 minutes.

How to warm up the muscles before stretching on the twine?

The main load should be directed to the muscles of the legs. For home training, jumping is ideal. It starts with small and frequent movements, and then, it is worth making a few high jumps, while sinking to the soft legs, bending them in the knees. After that it is recommended to do about 10 deep classical squats, and then, "plie". It is important to follow the technique of the exercise.

The heating for the twine is finished, and you can proceed to stretching. Let's consider the basic exercises used for this purpose:

  1. The Butterfly . Sit on the floor, bend your knees, spread them apart and join each other's feet. Keep your back straight, and your knees point down to the floor. Move your legs up and down, which resembles the movement of the butterfly's wings. Repeat all for 2 minutes, and then, lean forward, trying to touch your hands as far as possible.
  2. Straight slope . Again sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward, without bending them in the knees. Keep your back flat, bend forward, dropping down to the legs. Hands should try to reach the feet. The purpose of the exercise is to put the stomach and head on your legs. It is important not to bend your legs and back.