Itching dermatosis

The appearance of the disease on the surface of the skin, in which a person suffers from sometimes unbearable itching, is called an itchy dermatosis. It negatively affects the quality of life by causing a lot of inconvenience, a person can not fully sleep, becomes irritable, falls into depression.

Known are the types of diseases that cause itching dermatosis:

Allergic itching dermatoses

As you know, any allergy causes any allergen, and it can be any stimulus to which the body responds inadequately. At different people the organism reacts differently to this or that substance or condition. Most often allergens are:

Symptoms of itching dermatosis

The main symptom is severe itching. On the skin there is redness, then rashes, which are growing more and more, the skin is covered yellowish-gray crust, the rashes are compacted. As the patient is constantly itching, the wounds are formed, into which the infection gets, which only aggravates the condition.

Treatment of allergic itching dermatosis

First you need to identify the cause of the disease and eliminate the allergen from the contact zone. Or, if allergies cause food, immediately eliminate them from the diet. Doctors, as a rule, prescribe antihistamines for itching, antibacterial agents. Locally, lotions and baths from herbal remedies are very helpful. Medicinal products that help with allergies are various hormonal, anti-inflammatory ointments.