Recipe for "Oresheks" with boiled condensed milk in hazelnuts

At one time, the "Nuts" cookies with boiled condensed milk were very popular, and the owners of hazelnuts had the status of a wealthy and experienced housewife. But at the present time, with a growing abundance of sweets, this magnificent delicacy has been forgotten, and the former favorite of kitchen utensils - hazelnuts dusting on the shelf. Yes, and the recipe for cooking nuts with boiled condensed milk , probably a few will remember. But this is really incredibly tasty and original homemade pastries.

Nostalgic memories flooded? Then we take out the hazelnuts and start preparing wonderful nuts, and our recipe will help you.

Recipe for cooking homemade "Oreshkov" with boiled condensed milk in hazelnuts


For the test:

For filling:


The first step is to prepare the dough for "Nuts" cookies with boiled condensed milk. Chilled chicken eggs are mixed with granulated sugar and crushed with a mixer or whisk until thick foam is obtained. Next, we lay sour cream, slaked soda, pre-melted butter and again we punch a little with a mixer. Now we sift the wheat flour, add it to the mixture and stir it first with a spoon, and then we finish with our hands. The resulting consistency of the test should be soft, smooth and not sticking to the hands.

Now we proceed to the most exciting and at the same time interesting stage of cooking "Oreshkov". We will create their so-called "shell". To do this, warm the hazel and slip in it the grooves with vegetable oil.

From the prepared dough roll balls. Their size is determined by experience. The first two form a diameter of two centimeters, put in hazel, close it and put it on the gas burner. We sustain it on a strong fire from the convex side for about two minutes, and on the other one will be enough. Initially, we look at the color of the dough and adjust the time, depending on the degree of readiness. According to the results of the test nut, we determine whether large or smaller balls should be placed in the hazel and we already know approximately how long they should be baked. Just do not forget that the subsequent games will be prepared a little faster due to the best warming up of the form.

When all halves of nuts are ready and cool, trim their edges, cropping neatly or breaking off excess dough.

As a filling, a boiled condensed milk with butter is traditionally used. For this we take the last in advance from the refrigerator and let it thaw. After that, mix it with boiled condensed milk and beat it a little with a mixer until it is uniform. Nuts crushed into a crumb with a blender or, using a rolling pin, and blended into the finished cream. There you can add crumbs from surplus baking nuts, chopping them well.

Now fill the resulting cream with halves of nuts, close together and rub with sugar powder.

This is the best adapted recipe for making nuts with boiled condensed milk, which is used most often by housewives. But there are a lot of other variations of the dessert, for example, with the addition of 50 grams of starch in the dough for a bigger crunch, or by doubling the amount of butter for more friability. But, as a rule, it is more difficult to work with such a test, since it is more fragile and tender.