Nectarine - benefit and harm

Many people call nectarine "a mistake of nature," since it appeared through a natural mutation. The opinion that this specially bred hybrid is incorrect, since the fruit appeared due to natural self-pollination. Unusual fruits attracted the attention of scientists, who every year bring out new varieties, for example, the large-fruited version is very popular.

Nectarine, the benefit and harm of which are similar to peach, due to the lack of pile does not cause allergies, due to which many people deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the sweet fruit. What is interesting, the name of the fruit is translated as "a drink that the gods drink," then after this you can deny yourself bright and juicy fruits?

Useful properties and contraindications of nectarine

To date, on the shelves of shops you can find different varieties of fruit: a mixture of peach with an apple, figs or plum. Each variety of nectarine has its own original taste and aftertaste. Juicy fruits are not only eaten fresh, compotes, desserts, jellies are prepared from them, and, of course, they are harvested for the winter in the form of jam.

First let's see what vitamins are in nectarine: A, B, C, E, K, PP and choline. As for the minerals, the fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium , iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper. There are organic acids, pectic substances, polyphenols in peaches without lint. All these substances determine the positive effect of fruit on the work of the body. For people who follow their figure, it will be useful to learn that 100 g of nectarine contains only 48 kcal. Therefore, having eaten a couple of fruits, you do not harm the figure in any way.

Now it's time to figure out what's useful in nectarine. A rich composition of substances provides a number of properties:

  1. Thanks to the fact that the fruits improve the secretion of the digestive glands, fatty foods are absorbed much better in the body. Thus, if you use nectarine as a dessert, you can get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and reduce the risk of weight gain.
  2. Pectins resist the spread of harmful microorganisms, and they also purify the intestines of toxins and toxins. Nectarine can play the role of a snack between basic meals.
  3. Juice from nectarine is recommended to be used for problems with the heart and acidity of the stomach. He will help with constipation.
  4. Since the fruit takes an active part in excretion of sodium and excess fluid, it can be considered an excellent prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  5. Vitamins in nectarine improve the course of metabolic processes in the body, in particular, it refers to ascorbic acid, which takes part in many processes occurring in the body.
  6. Considering the presence of easily soluble fiber, the level of "bad" cholesterol decreases and the digestive system improves.
  7. Helps nectarine improve metabolism, which contributes to weight loss and better health.

Possible harm

Is such fruit useful, there may be flaws, but, as is known, in the "barrel of honey you can not do without a fly in the ointment." It is worth considering that nectarine in diabetes mellitus is prohibited, due to the large amount of sugar. It is not recommended to eat fruit to people with obesity and with an individual food intolerance. Caution to nectarine should be treated in the presence of problems with the bile excretory system.

Another unusual feature of smooth fruit - due to the fact that it increases the excretion of urine, there is cooling of the body. Therefore, during the winter, many fruits are not recommended. Scientists have been shown that it is best to eat nectarine in the morning so as not to provoke an imbalance in the digestive system.