Sour eructation

An eructation is a sudden exit from the mouth of gases from the esophagus and stomach, sometimes with an admixture of the contents of the stomach. Normally this can occur sometimes during or after a meal due to ingestion of air (which often happens due to a conversation during a meal), consumption of gas-producing products or carbonated beverages, overeating. In such cases, the belch is temporary and disappears after a short period of time. But if the release of gases from the mouth - a frequent phenomenon, and even more so when there is a belch with a sour taste, this should alert and become a reason to call a doctor.

Causes of sour eructations and heartburn

The appearance of an acidic taste along with the release of air through the mouth indicates an increased acidity of the medium in the stomach. Often, an acidic eructation observed immediately after a meal and combined with heartburn. In this case, this may be due to dysfunction of the valve located between the esophagus and the stomach. If this valve does not close completely, the contents of the stomach can go out. In cases where this symptom appears about half an hour after eating, you can talk about a pathology such as enzymatic insufficiency.

The most common diagnoses that are made when this feature is present are:

Treatment of acidic eructations

It should be understood that an acidic eructation is a symptom, and it is not him that needs treatment, but a disease that causes this unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, the first thing to do if you are concerned about an acidic eructation is to consult a doctor who will prescribe the required diagnostic procedures and make a diagnosis. Only then can appropriate treatment be recommended.

As a rule, it is required to undergo a course of complex medication, in which the following drugs can be prescribed:

It can also be shown the use of alkaline mineral water, and mandatory - compliance with the food regime. It is recommended to make meals at a certain time, while eating small portions 4-5 times a day, exclude harmful products (smoked meat, marinades, pickles, fried and fatty foods, etc.). After eating, it is not recommended to immediately take a horizontal position, t. this worsens digestive processes.

How to get rid of acidic burp folk remedies?

To get rid of the problem temporarily, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Drink a glass of warm water with a pinch of soda.
  2. Eat a tablespoon of crushed walnuts.
  3. Take half a glass of peppermint infusion.