Dough for chebureks on yogurt

Homemade chebureks on kefir - this is a very tasty dish, which you can always please the guests and pamper yourself. Many of us like chebureks, but we do not always risk buying them - it's too likely that the fried pies will be stale. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure. Chebureks are made quickly and fairly simply: there is no need to wait until the dough rises, or to mess with the oven.

Now we will tell you how to make chebureks on kefir, and you will see that everyone can do this kind of baking. Often it is possible to find various variations, where milk, water or even vodka is used for the dough, but it is kefir for chebureks that is most preferable: on the one hand, as a fermentation product, it makes the dough softer, on the other - thick enough and fatty that pies are easy fried. You can try to make from the custard , but it's better on kefir.

The recipe for chebureks on yogurt


For filling


Dough for chebureks on kefir is prepared without yeast. Make it very simple. First we pour kefir and egg into one bowl. A small light: it is always better to break the eggs first into a separate bowl, in turn, to make sure that they are fresh. It will be insulting if you have to throw out all the food if one egg is spoiled. Kefir with egg saline and whisk thoroughly - with a fork or a whisk - to a homogeneous mass.

Now gradually pour in the flour, do not stop stirring, lest the lumps form. Maybe flour will need a little less or more than indicated in the recipe: the dough should be medium in density so that it does not spread, but it is easily rolled out. Knead the dough better longer, then it will become as homogeneous as possible, and, therefore, rich and tasty. Then he should be given a "rest" for 20 minutes. That's the whole recipe of the test for chebureks on kefir.

Now let's deal with the filling. It's even simpler then with the test: if you took not meat, but meat, then it must be cut very finely or passed through a meat grinder. Onion is cut into small cubes and combines with minced meat. There we also pour salt and spices - those that you prefer. Fat meat is well suited for black pepper, it is not as sharp as red, and gives a rich bitterness. You can also add paprika or hops-suneli. Now the filling remains only to mix. We will need a broth if the minced meat is rather dry, since our chebureks with meat on kefir must be juicy. Add broth, or, if it is not - water until the filling becomes a little liquid, but not enough to spread like a soup. We have only to form chebureks and fry them.

Cut the dough into small portions, - their size depends on your wishes, and thinly roll out. In the middle of each layer, put a little stuffing - so that the edges of the next cheburek easily come together, but at the same time the pie did not emptiness. Then, the layer of the dough is "folded", making a semicircle, and rolling with a rolling pin - so they firmly stick together. You can fry now, but it is better to cut off the uneven edge or cut it nicely.

When all chebureks are formed, we warm up vegetable oil in a saucepan, it is better refined - so there was no excess odor, and carefully lowered the chebureks there. Now we wait, when the dough will be covered with an appetizing ruddy crust, and we take it out on a napkin - it will absorb excess fat. As you can see, cooking chebureks on kefir does not take much time and effort.