Gynecological Candles

For the treatment and prevention of female diseases, today there are many different dosage forms, among them gynecological suppositories having a wide spectrum of action.

Candles are rectal (for introduction into the rectum) and vaginal. The course of treatment is from three to ten days. The candle is often administered at night before bedtime, less often twice a day. For the treatment of a particular disease, there are different types of suppositories. Consider the most common of them.

List of gynecological candles

  1. Hexicon - is prescribed quite often to treat a wide variety of problems, but it is more suitable for the prevention of such diseases as trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia. All diseases that are transmitted sexually, with an unprotected sex act are treated with suppositories. The main component of the drug - chlorohexidine bigluconate, has antimicrobial and antiviral local effects.
  2. Nystatin - suppositories for treatment of thrush. Similar to them, but more expensive preparations containing the same active substance - Polizinaks, Neomycin, Terzhinan. These candles are more often prescribed for chronic recurrent thrush, because Candida causes it, there is no getting used to Nystatin.
  3. Bifidumbacterin - after treatment with antibiotics and in case of any deviation in the hormonal background, either the spores of Candida's fungus or Gardernella, in an increased quantity, begin to predominate in the vagina. In order to balance their balance, gynecological suppositories are used to restore microflora, containing beneficial bacteria.
  4. Betadine - these gynecological antibacterial candles are used as anti-infectious and antiviral. They have a wide range of effects on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, except for the Koch sticks.