Dried cucumbers - recipes of delicious billets by ancient methods

Cask grains, the recipe of which has existed since ancient times, have unique taste qualities. A special cooking technology gives them a sparkling sourness, a slight sweetness, crunchy and fragrant properties. This method of sour is still preserved, it is used not only for barrels, but also for three-liter bottles.

How to salt cucumbers in a barrel?

To prepare delicious cask cucumbers, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The container for pickling will be a wooden barrel, which should be rinsed well with boiling water and rubbed with garlic.
  2. Cucumbers should be hard. Do not cut the ends of the fruit, they are perfectly fermented and this way.
  3. Pure cucumbers must be soaked in water for 2 hours, add horseradish, cherry and blackcurrant, dill with umbrellas, garlic.
  4. The weight of spices is controlled, they should not be more than 7% of the total weight of cucumbers.
  5. You can make cask cucumbers, the recipe of which includes the use of cans.

Brine Cucumber Pickle

Any recipe for cucumber cucumbers necessarily includes the preparation of brine. To do so, observe the following rules:

  1. In the water you need to pour out the salt. If the cucumbers are large, then it is added in the proportion of 10% of the total volume of water, if the vegetables are smaller, then 7%.
  2. Pickling cask grains is done using brine, they need to fill cucumbers, they must be completely covered with liquid.
  3. The barrel is closed with a lid and the load is to be installed from above. Keep the container warm for 2-3 days to run the natural fermentation process.
  4. When the surface of the brine begins to appear foam, you need to remove the barrel in the cold.

Dried cucumbers - an old recipe

It is best to pickle cucumbers in a barrel if you use old and proven recipes. To ensure that the vegetables are evenly salted and soaked with spices, they are recommended to be laid vertically, while the spouts should look down. Preferably pick up varieties of cucumbers late fees.



  1. Cucumbers soak in cold water for 6 hours.
  2. Spices scalded with boiling water.
  3. Wall of the barrel lubricate with garlic, put some spices on the bottom, top of the cucumber in an upright position. Then put the following layers.
  4. To get cask cucumbers, the recipe includes a brine, which is made from salt and water, they need to fill the vegetables.
  5. Barrel close the lid, put oppression on top, leave it warm for a few days, then for a week in the cold.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in a barrel in a cold way

It is very popular to pickle cask cucumbers in a cold way. Soaking vegetables in icy water helps them retain their natural green color. All the cucumbers for the barrel are selected approximately the same size, so that they can evenly salivate. If the vegetables are large, the salt is added in the proportion of 10% of the total volume of water, if the cucumber is smaller, then 7%.



  1. Put on the bottom of the capacity of the spice, from above lay the washed cucumber, alternate layers in the same sequence.
  2. Pickling cucumbers in an oak barrel occurs using a brine prepared from water and salt, they need to fill the vegetables, leave them warm for 2-3 days.
  3. On the barrel put the lid on top of the load.
  4. When the surface of the brine starts to appear foam, remove the barrel for a week in the cold.

Pickling cucumbers in barrels with mustard

Slightly sharp and pleasant taste get cucumbers with mustard in a barrel for the winter. Vegetables are better to take an average length, not more than 10 cm. Before the beginning of salting, they will be put in ice water, so that they become more elastic. After the process, it is recommended to cover them with iron lids and put them in the cold, this will allow them to be stored all winter.



  1. At the bottom of the barrel put greens, and then some of the cucumbers. Repeat the layers, there must be spices on top.
  2. Boil water and pour salt and mustard. Pour the brine cucumber.
  3. Leave the cucumbers in a barrel in the warmth for 2-3 days, pressing down the load. Then put them in the cold.

Freshly salted cucumbers in a barrel - recipe

The barley salted cucumbers have somewhat different taste qualities, they are enjoyed by many family members, so the housewives strive to master their recipe. Storage of snacks should take place in a cool place, the best conditions for this are created in the cellar. The container before salting should be thoroughly washed and filled with water, a day before the start of the process.



  1. At the bottom of the barrel lay out the spices, then the cucumbers in a vertical position.
  2. After filling the barrel half pour the vegetables with brine.
  3. To the top of the barrel lay out the cucumbers, and pour out the remaining brine. Let it brew for 2-3 days.

Dried cucumber with vodka

Incredibly delicious come out cask salted cucumber, the recipe of which includes vodka in its composition. Harvesting is carried out in one day. This method of preparation is very spicy, because the combination of garlic with vodka gives the brine some bitterness. Vegetables can be salted in a barrel, but you can cook them in sterilized jars.



  1. Put the spices on the bottom of the container.
  2. Pour hot cucumber water into the cucumber, let stand, then drain.
  3. Make a brine of 5 glasses of water, sugar and salt.
  4. Add the acid to the boiling brine.
  5. Pour marinade cucumbers, pour vodka, close the container and leave vegetables for infusion.

Cucumbers in a barrel of vinegar

Many recipes that help prepare salted cucumbers in a barrel do not include the addition of vinegar. However, the housewives, who are accustomed to using this component for canning and can not do without it, can use the original method of preparing the brine, in addition to water and salt, grape vinegar and vodka are poured into it.



  1. Wash the cucumber. Spread the spices on the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Make brine, boiling all other ingredients. Allow it to cool for 24 hours. Pour them vegetables.
  3. Barrel with cucumbers put in cold storage.

Cask tomatoes with cucumbers - recipe

It is possible to pickle two vegetables at the same time and get such an original snack as tomatoes and cask cucumbers for the winter. Predominantly taken are green tomatoes, as they are much stronger, and will not turn into a mess. Such vegetables are very different from their pickled taste in comparison with pickled vegetables.



  1. Wash the vegetables.
  2. Put spices and garlic on the bottom of the container.
  3. Place cucumbers on top, then again a layer of spices, put tomatoes.
  4. Prepare the brine: pour the salt into the boiling water and dissolve, cool.
  5. Pour brine into the barrel, cover, install the load. Vegetables will be ready in 2 months.

Sour cucumbers in cans like cask

Mistresses who want to close cask cucumbers for the winter in banks can use the original recipe that will completely reproduce the taste of vegetables, fermented in a barrel. It is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to carry out the process of pickling in a barrel, but wants to enjoy such a delicious preparation.



  1. Soak the cucumbers for 4 hours.
  2. At the bottom of the banks lay out the seasonings, on top of the cucumber.
  3. To make barley pickled cucumbers, the recipe includes a brine made from cold water. Leave the jars for 3 days.
  4. Pour the brine out of the jars, boil it, pour it back into the cans, roll up the tanks.