The stomach is scratched during pregnancy

A long-awaited pregnancy, it turns out, delivers to the woman not only the joy of waiting and realizing that a new little life is born in her body, but also a lot of inconveniences and sorrows. That only there is a painful toxicosis , constant irritability, drowsiness and propensity to depressive conditions. And the terrible stretch marks that remain on the abdomen and hips, spoil any figure. In this article we will tell you why the stomach is scratched during pregnancy, why and when stretch marks appear and what to do in order that it does not happen.

The embryo, having formed and fixed on the wall of the uterus, begins to grow. Every day, the placenta grows with the baby, the skin is stretched, and if it is not moist enough, it can crack. Strong itching can often appear already in the early stages of pregnancy - this is a sure sign that the skin needs to be moistened. It can be both a physiological and an alarming sign, so in any case it is necessary to tell the doctor about it.

Cheshin - causes

What are the main causes of stomach itching:

Why is the stomach scratched during pregnancy?

Large-scale studies conducted by scientists have yielded unexpected results. If earlier women did not pay attention to the fact that the stomach is being scratched during pregnancy, now doctors consider this a cause for concern. Diseases of the liver and disorders in its work, cholecystitis, hepatitis and other equally serious diseases can cause severe itching. In such cases, itches not only the whole area of ​​the abdomen, but also the back, arms, legs and chest.

The stomach is scratched during pregnancy - what to do?

From the first days of pregnancy, a woman needs to take care of the delicate skin of the thighs and abdomen, every day before bedtime, you need to lubricate and massage these areas. Despite the fact that the skin of each woman has a different elasticity and itching does not appear immediately, stretch marks appear almost at all. Therefore, already in the early stages, you need to take care of the health and beauty of your body - to get a special remedy from stretch marks in the pharmacy or to use folk remedies. The best folk remedy is olive oil , which contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin E.

If the stomach is scratched during pregnancy at a later date, and the tests do not give cause for concern, then at least one, and preferably twice a day, should be smeared with baby oil or a special cream against stretch marks. If the pregnant woman itches her stomach during the day, you need to lubricate "on demand", for this, you need to carry a bottle with butter or cream in your purse.

Stretch marks on the stomach are itchy, itchy and bring a lot of inconvenience, so it's better to prevent their appearance than to clean up surgically.