Homemade Adjika from Tomato - recipe

Homemade Adjika , cooked from a tomato for the winter on simple recipes, will be a wonderful addition to any dish in the off-season and will fill it with bright taste and summer freshness.

Boiled homemade ajika from a tomato for the winter



Having prepared all the necessary vegetables for adzhika, we will deal with their processing. We put rubber gloves on and wash the bitter and sweet peppers. Then we remove them from the pedicels and seed boxes and, if necessary, cut into several parts so that they easily pass into the opening of the meat grinder. Next, my tomatoes, cut out the white part near the stalk and divide the fruit into several parts. Also we clean onions, garlic and carrots and, if necessary, also cut into pieces.

Now all the prepared vegetables, except garlic, scroll through the meat grinder and determine the mass in the enameled container. We put it on the fire, warm it to a boil, stirring, reduce the intensity of fire to a minimum and boil the vegetable mass for thirty minutes. After the time has passed, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and mix. We withstand for another thirty minutes.

Seven minutes before the end of the cooking process, add the vinegar, passed through the garlic press, and mix.

On readiness, we determine the hot adzhika in pre-sterilized dry jars, we seal them with sterile lids and wrap them thoroughly with something warm until it cools down completely.

Home adzhika from tomato - recipe without cooking



When preparing ajiki from a tomato without cooking, it is very important to approach the preparation of vegetables and dishes in order to reduce the risk of bacteria in the finished product, which will accelerate the spoilage of the billet.

So, carefully wash the tomatoes, carefully wipe them dry or let them dry completely by spreading them on a towel. Garlic is sorted into teeth, cleaned, if necessary washed and also dried. The root of the horseradish is removed from the outer skin, washed and also allowed to dry. Before further processing, vegetables should not be wet or wet.

Then cut the tomatoes in half, remove the white part near the stalk and pass through a dry sterile meat grinder, alternating with cloves of garlic. Now we need to chop the horseradish. To do this, we tie a plastic bag at the exit of the meat grinder and, cutting the root into small fragments, pass them through the meat grinder. The twisted mass, getting into the bag, leaves all its tear essential oils in it.

Mix the tomatoes with garlic and horseradish in an enameled container, add salt, sugar, and mix well until they dissolve.

We pour out the finished adjika on pre-sterilized dry jars, cover with boiled lids and determine for storage in a refrigerator or cellar.

How quickly and deliciously to prepare homemade adzhika from tomatoes - a simple recipe?



Mine and we clean peppers and tomatoes. Do not forget, when working with hot peppers, put on rubber gloves. Garlic is chopped and also cleaned. Grind all the prepared vegetables, except for garlic, passing them through a meat grinder or grinding in a blender, we determine in an enameled pan and boil for fifteen minutes. Then we throw all the spices, salt and boil for another fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, throw the garlic through the press.

We pour out the finished adjika on sterile containers, cap it with lids and wrap it until it cools down completely.