Pregnancy Pregnancy

The normal term of labor is considered 37-42 weeks of pregnancy, but the optimal term for delivery is 38-40 weeks. If, after reaching 42 weeks of the period, the labor activity does not come, you need to seek help from obstetrician-gynecologists, because the child's perenashivanie dangerous for the future of the baby. In this article, we will consider what threatens and how to avoid overcoming pregnancy.

Pregnancy pregnancy - reasons

Concrete reasons for delaying pregnancy are not found, but it is revealed that the risk of masturbation of pregnancy is increased when:

Than pererashivanie pregnancy is dangerous?

A pregnant pregnancy increases the risk of perinatal death (35%). Approximation of the term of childbirth is associated with a progressive involution of the placenta, so the fetal repetition threatens him with chronic hypoxia. With a pregnant pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid sharply decreases, and the aggravation of hypoxia promotes the emergence of meconium in them. This is dangerous due to the development of intrauterine pneumonia, the treatment of which is quite long and expensive.

Perenasivanie pregnancy - what to do?

To prevent overcoming of pregnancy, the following measures should be taken:

In view of the difficulty of managing women with a delayed pregnancy, all preventive measures should be strengthened so that the birth can go smoothly and avoid the consequences of masturbation.