Zaeda on the lips - reasons, treatment

This unpleasant phenomenon occurs in both adults and children. Irritations and cracks in the corners of the mouth bring a lot of inconvenience. In addition to the fact that small sores spoil the appearance, they are also very painful. Seizures on the lips prevent talking, do not give the opportunity to properly make up the lips and begin to ache with the use of salty or sour dishes.

Why do jaws appear on the lips?

This disease develops gradually, beginning with redness in the corners of the lips. Over time, erosion and cracks form in their place. To begin treatment of jaedings on the lips, it is necessary to understand the main causes leading to the appearance of this ailment:

  1. The most common cause of congestion is the weakening of immunity due to a lack of vitamins. That is why this ailment bothers most often in the spring. The formation of zaed leads to a deficiency of vitamin B, as well as zinc. In addition, quite often this disease provokes iron deficiency anemia .
  2. This phenomenon arises in the spring also due to increased photosensitivity and overheating. The weathering of the lips, which is exacerbated by the habit of licking them, is most characteristic of the autumn period.
  3. Sneezing in the corners of the lips also appear due to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or other internal organ that affects the condition of the whole organism.
  4. There may appear ulcers on the lips due to non-observance of personal hygiene. This is associated with irregular brushing of teeth, rare trips to the dentist. Formed caries or streptococcal infection can lead to seizures.
  5. It is worth explaining why there are jam on the lips of pregnant women. Yeast-like fungi, living in a healthy body, do not cause inconvenience. However, in pregnant women immunity is weakened, because this fungus provokes the development of candidiasis, manifested in the form of wounds in the corners of the lips.
  6. It is also believed that this disease is triggered by the activity of bacteria, the infection of which occurred through a kiss or a common dish.
  7. The occurrence of seizures on the lips is explained by such a cause as an allergic reaction to objects that come into contact with the surface of the lips. Toothpaste, low-quality lipstick, pens and pencils can all provoke an allergy. Especially often for this reason, there are sores in children, because they like to pull into their mouth foreign objects.

Than to anoint lips on lips?

There are many different means that will help to cope with this trouble. From home methods recommend to apply such:

  1. It is advised to lubricate lips with honey, mixed with pork fat, and also simply apply sulfur to the skin from the ears.
  2. Efficiently copes with signs of the disease thermal water, as well as hygienic lipstick made on its basis.
  3. The juice of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe, diluted with juice of celandine leaves, buttercup and psyllium and garlic, is also recommended to be used against sneeze.
  4. Disinfectant property is a solution of zelenka mixed with boric alcohol (3%).
  5. Plant and essential oils should also be included in therapy against seizures. Against sores, it is useful to use olive, linseed oil, adding to them a couple of drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus.
  6. Vitamins A and E are applied not only inwards, but also externally. They are advised add to the base oils and lubricate them with the skin.

Treatment can be carried out with ointment against zaed on lips. The most effective are:

If the cause of the disease is the activity of Candida fungi, then the following are appointed:

Before using them, consult a physician.