Bubnovsky: exercises for the spine

Probably, many have already heard about the method of Bubnovsky, through which alternative means, without drug treatment can get rid of diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, arthrosis , scoliosis, hernia. Today we will talk about the very technique of treatment of the spine of Dr. Bubnovsky and also provide the basic exercises of the complex.


The word "kinesitherapy" in translation literally means treatment by movement. It is this thesis and is the basis of treatment of the spine according to Bubnoskiy's method. While doctors tell you that it is necessary to exclude any burden on the back, take medication and, possibly, go to surgery, Professor Bubnovsky says that thanks to the movement and our bones and joints feed on, excluding physical activity, we only aggravate stagnation in sick areas.


The main part of the gymnastics for the spine of Dr. Bubnovsky is carried out on a specially developed MTB simulator. The developer is Professor Bubnovsky himself, and exercises on MTB relieve pain syndrome, normalize the tone of deep muscles, improve the mobility of joints, and also relieve muscle spasms. At the same time, the professor recommends for home use an expander, which can be partially replaced by MTB.

All exercises are carried out on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a doctor. For each patient an individual complex is developed, depending on the kind and degree of the disease. In addition to treating the spine, Professor Bubnovsky conducts complexes for the post-operative rehabilitation.


As a result of performing exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky, biochemical processes in the intervertebral discs normalize, blood circulation and lymph flow activate, and the intervertebral hernia gradually decreases, until disappearance.


Next, we will describe a few basic exercises of Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the spine.

  1. We sit on the floor, our legs are straight, our hands rest on the floor. We raise hands and walk on the buttocks.
  2. We tear off the legs from the floor, continue to walk on the buttocks.
  3. We sit on the floor, resting on the hands. Legs are half-bent. We lift the bent leg, lower it, raise a straight leg. We repeat to the second leg. 20 times per leg.
  4. The legs are bent. Straighten the left leg, turn the sock to the side, pull the socks on ourselves. We tear off the left foot from the floor, and make small continuous lifts. Have done 20 times per foot.
  5. Feet straight ahead. We do small ascents, as in the previous exercise, on 45◦ from ourselves, we return and immediately begin the same on the second leg. So do continuously for 5 approaches per foot.
  6. The legs are bent in front of you. We raise the straight right leg, set aside, and at the same time, we remove the left leg bent in the knee to the left. We do 8 repetitions per leg.
  7. The legs are bent at the knees in front of him, resting on the hands. Bend your legs to yourself, lower your back as close to the floor as you can, bending your arms and straightening your raised legs. We do 15 repetitions.
  8. Twisting. We lay on the floor, legs bent at the knees. We put one hand under the back of the head, the second straight. With a bent leg we reach the head and reach for the knee with the opposite hand. Straighten the leg and stretch a straight leg to the opposite arm. For 15 repetitions per leg.
  9. We lay on the back, hands under the back of the head, knees bent, turn them to the right. We do lifts the top part of a back and a head. 15 repetitions on each side.
  10. We lay on the floor, hands straight overhead. We lift hands and feet, we bring them together. We do 20 times.
  11. We make a bicycle. We lay on the floor, hands behind the head, knees bent. We raise our legs by 90◦, reach for the right knee with the left elbow, straighten the leg. We pull to the left knee with the right elbow, straighten the leg. We repeat 15 times.