Tea with lemon is good

Tea drinking in distant times was considered a bohemian luxury, and now the custom of drinking a cup of tea since morning has firmly entered almost every house. A perfect addition to the tea taste is a slice of lemon. Since ancient times it is known that tea with lemon is not only a pleasant drink, but also very useful. Thanks to the mixing of the components of brewing and lemon juice, this drink has a pleasant tonic effect, increases the immunity.

Contained caffeine in tea is able to raise blood pressure to normal, so the drink has an invigorating effect. Added to the lemon slice tea saturates the drink with vitamin C , which is so important for protecting cell membranes from the penetration of viruses and toxins.

Separately, it should be noted the benefit of green tea with lemon - this composition has a pronounced diuretic effect. Green tea combined with lemon is a powerful antioxidant that removes harmful deposits from the body and stimulates the development of protective mechanisms that lead to increased immunity.

Tea with lemon slimming

A tea drink in combination with a lemon can be used for a fasting day with any diet. It is recommended to drink all day tea with lemon and water. Such a fasting day will help to get rid of the harmful ballast, ascorbic acid "clean" and strengthen the vessels. Try to use a warm drink 40-45 ° C, at this temperature the liquid is quickly absorbed and promotes better blood flow.

The combination of tea and lemon favorably affects the functioning of the intestines, so it is appropriate to drink it with any diet. It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups a day, this dose allows you to activate metabolic processes in all tissues, in which the carbohydrate and fat stores are transformed into energy.

Caloric content of tea with lemon is low - about 3 kcal per 100 ml, but each spoon of sugar adds 16 kcal each. Therefore, for weight loss is better not to sugar drink.