Jam from quince - the most delicious recipe

Quince is one of the latest fruits that can be used as a basis for sweet billets. Fragrant fruits, apparently strongly reminiscent of apples, you can and harvested by analogy with the latter, using as a basis of jam, jam and compotes. Within the framework of this material we will focus on the most delicious recipes of jam from quince prepared in various ways.

Jam from quince for the winter - recipe

To the jam has acquired a homogeneous consistency, quince can either be cooked for a very long time, or grated even during the preparation of the ingredients. We chose the second way.



  1. Start with the preparation of quince. The fruit itself, after washing and drying, grate on a fine grater and put in an enamel pot. Pour the quince with lemon juice and add the citrus peel for flavor.
  2. Cook the base of the jam for about 10 minutes, until the quince pieces soften, and then pour in the sugar.
  3. When the crystals dissolve, boil the jam over medium heat for about half an hour, then immediately begin to roll.

Thick jam from Japanese quince

Quince not only looks like an apple, but also has about the same properties. Fruits are very rich in pectin , and therefore, after prolonged digestion, the mass of quince easily and quickly thickens, turning into dense jam.



  1. Since we want to keep the maximum of pectin, we will dig out not only the cleared pulp, but also the peel, as well as the core with the seeds (in them pectin is the most). After transferring pieces of quince into prepared dishes, fill them with sugar, pour water and place on medium heat.
  2. Put the spice and leave the quince on fire for about an hour, stirring occasionally and stirring up the contents of the dishes. Toward the end of the cooking, you have to stir constantly, so that the jam does not burn.
  3. Wipe the jam through a sieve to get rid of the remains of spices, seeds, membranes and other rough parts of the fruit.
  4. Spread the jam in sterile jars and roll them with scalded lids.
  5. You can also repeat all the steps described above by making jam from quince in a multivark, just set the "Baking" mode and leave the fruit to languish for an hour.

How to cook jam and apples?



  1. Apples and quince are mixed and mixed together with sugar and citrus juice in enamelware. Leave the fruit to let the juice for about 2-3 hours.
  2. After a while, place the dishes over the medium fire, bring the contents to a boil and immediately reduce heat. Fry the fruit until the mass thickens, becomes shiny and does not change color to amber. After, the jam can be laid out on a sterile container and rolled up.

Jam from quince through a meat grinder

Turn the boiled fruit into jam can be already ready, with the help of a meat grinder.



  1. After boiling a kilogram of chopped quince along with a couple of glasses of sugar until soft, pass the hot quince through the meat grinder.
  2. Mix the pounded mass with half a kilogram of sugar and return it to the fire.
  3. Boil the jam to the desired consistency, and then canned as usual.