Cowberry in syrup without cooking for the winter

Cowberry is not for nothing considered a royal berry. Its useful, and more correctly to say, medicinal properties have long been effectively used to combat many ailments. The value is both leaves and berries. The latter contains a number of vitamins and irreplaceable micro- and macro elements. Berries also have an anthelmintic effect, promote the excretion of salts and toxins, help with hypertension and rheumatism, alleviate the course of tuberculosis and jaundice. And this is not yet a complete list of all the valuable properties of cranberries, which, well, you just need to save for the winter, to use them for the intended year round. The most preferred methods of harvesting berries are the options that exclude their heat treatment. Today we will tell you how to save lingonberries for the winter without cooking in syrup.

How to make lingonberries in syrup with sugar without cooking for the winter?



For harvesting cranberries for winter in syrup according to this recipe, the berries are sorted, washed and dried. Then, from the water and sugar, cook the sugar syrup. To do this, mix the ingredients in a saucepan and, with frequent stirring, bring to a boil. After dissolving all the crystals, add the lemon juice and cinnamon stick to the sweet liquid, boil the mixture for seven minutes and strain.

Fill the sterile jars with prepared berries for two-thirds of the entire volume, pour hot syrup and let cool. Now we cover the containers with nylon caps and have to store lingonberries in syrup on the shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Cowberry in syrup according to this recipe can be eaten simply so or use it as a filling for making pirozhki or other baking. Also, berries will be an excellent addition to sweet desserts or the basis of berry fruit juice. Do not remain out of business and syrup from cowberry. From it you can prepare a tasty and healthy sauce to serve it to fried or boiled meat, baked poultry and other dishes. In addition, if you add this syrup to the sauerkraut, the taste of the appetizer gets stunning new flavors, and the appearance of cabbage changes.

Wet lingonberries for winter in sugar syrup without cooking



Delicious and useful is obtained by wicking berries. How to cook syrup for such cowberries? In this case, bring the water to a boil, add sugar and salt, let the crystals with constant stirring dissolve and throw a stick of cinnamon and buds of a carnation. After the syrup has been boiled for ten minutes, let it cool down and extract cloves and cinnamon.

Cowberry washed thoroughly, after having sorted out the berries and getting rid of the spoiled and dubious specimens, and give them a good dry. Now we lay the berry mass in the previously prepared sterile and dry jars, fill it with cooled syrup, cover the vessels with parchment paper and bind them with string. It is recommended to store such a piece on the shelf of the refrigerator or in a cold cellar.

The dried berries of cowberries, prepared according to this recipe, will be an excellent addition to meat dishes and poultry. In addition, such cranberries are added to various salads and vinaigrettes, thereby increasing the nutritional value of the dishes, adding to them piquancy and refreshing their taste.