Aubergine with carrots, herbs and garlic

The taste of a snack prepared according to the recipes proposed below is so interesting and attractive that even the eggplant fans do not change their opinion about this vegetable for the better.

Spicy pickled eggplants with carrots, garlic and greens for the winter


For brine:


  1. To implement the recipe choose medium-sized or medium-sized aubergines, rinse them, remove them from the stalk, cut it with a sharp knife, and make the longitudinal one on one side without touching the edges and not reaching a little to the opposite side. We get a kind of "pocket".
  2. Now the vegetable needs to boil a little, lowering the fruits in boiling, salted water to taste for about seven to ten minutes. The main thing is not to digest eggplants - they should become softer, but keep a small elasticity of the pulp. Check the readiness is better than a match, it should easily pass through the skin.
  3. Now we remove the eggplants in a colander or a large sieve and press it with a small load to get rid of excess moisture.
  4. Prepare the ingredients for the filling. With parsley and dill we cut off the leaves, and put the stems aside for a while. We clean and grate the grated carrots, mince the pod of peeled hot pepper and prepared green leaves, and squeeze garlic through the press.
  5. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, adding salt to taste, and fill the resulting eggplant with the stuffing in the "pockets".
  6. Now we take up the brine. We put the water on the stove for heating and after its boiling for a few seconds we lower the stalks of greenery into it. Thanks to heat treatment, they become softer, and now we use them as twines, bandaging them with stuffed eggplants, so that the filling remains inside and does not fall out.
  7. In boiling water, pour in salt, laurel and peas of two kinds of peppers, boil a couple of minutes and cool.
  8. Prepared stuffed eggplants are placed in an enameled vessel, poured with a cooled brine and have a small load on top.
  9. After three to five days of billeting at room conditions, salted eggplants with carrots, garlic and greens become sauerkraut.
  10. Now we shift the snack into sterile glass jars and fill it with brine, which must be additionally boiled.
  11. In each container on top we pour a pair of spoons of calcined vegetable refined oil, cover the workpiece loosely with lids and put it for storage on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Fast pickled eggplants with carrots, garlic and greens


For marinade:


  1. To prepare a quick snack according to this recipe, the eggplants are cut into mugs and boiled in salted water for five minutes.
  2. Chop the greens gently, shred the semi-rings with peeled bulbs, garlic teeth with cubes or plates, grind the pepper pod, and grate the carrot.
  3. Blanched eggplants are thrown on a sieve and pressed with a load for a short while, after that we mix the slices with prepared vegetables and pour the marinade, for the preparation of which we simply mix all the ingredients from the list of ingredients.
  4. We put the resulting mass in an enameled container, press it with a load and send it to the shelf of the refrigerator for four hours. After a while, a delicious and appetizing appetizer from eggplant will be ready.