Cystadenoma of the left ovary

Such a disease of the female sexual sphere, like cystadenoma, occurs quite often. This disease, which is a benign entity, can be detected at any age, but more often affects women in pre-menopausal age (40-45 years).

There are several varieties of cystadenoma of the left (or right) ovary. By and large, this is the same cyst, only it consists of the epithelium, and the content is slightly different. Neoplasms are divided into:

Symptoms of ovarian cystadenoma

Symptoms of the disease depend on the size of the tumor itself. Often at the onset of the disease, when the cystadenoma is still small in size, a woman may not feel any discomfort and not suspect a disease. As the growth grows, pains appear in the lower back, abdomen, and legs.

If it is a question of mucinous cystadenoma, then it can grow to huge sizes, thereby interfering with normal functioning of neighboring organs - the intestine and bladder. The volume of the abdomen is significantly increased and it is impossible to notice deviations.

Treatment of cystadenoma of the left (right) ovary

Often the disease is found at such a stage that conservative treatment is already too late and then the ovarian cystadenoma is removed. The operation is performed mainly by the method of laparoscopy , which positively affects the recovery period.

In some cases, together with the tumor, the ovary itself is removed, and in mucinous cystadenoma, both organ and appendages. This is done in order to prevent the neoplasm from degenerating into a malignant one.

Treatment with folk remedies of ovarian cystadenoma often does not lead to positive dynamics, although in some cases it is possible to stop its growth, but it is possible to completely get rid of it only operatively.

It is not necessary to think that cystadenoma of the ovary and pregnancy are incompatible. If the patient wants to have children, then they try to keep at least one ovary, if possible, and then she has a good chance of getting pregnant.