Management of stress

Stress is a powerful blow to the psyche, which will inevitably affect your health. If you constantly experience stress, you will note fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, headaches, fatigue and low performance. Consider the principles of stress management in psychology, because even in the most difficult situation, you can choose the most profitable position.

A way to manage stress "avoidance"

As far as possible, each person should try to avoid many stressful situations. So, the strategy of stress management is "avoidance":

  1. Avoid unpleasant topics. If you know that you are always upset when you talk about politics, just do not talk about it.
  2. Control the world around you. Refuse to watch the programs that annoy you. Do not listen to music that you do not like.
  3. Avoid people who cause a negative. You probably noticed that some people, sometimes even from a circle of friends, regularly "take you out." It is necessary to refuse communication with them or reduce it as much as possible.
  4. Cut the to-do list. Important and urgent cases - in the first place, and unimportant and non-urgent can be temporarily removed from the list at all.
  5. Learn to say no. You must have firm principles and your opinion on each point. Do not take on yourself what you do not want and should not.

Of course, all of them will be ignored, but using regular methods on a regular basis, you will reduce the number of stresses in your life in half.

The method of stress management "change"

If the situation can not be avoided, try changing it so that it suits you. Think, what can you change so that the problem does not arise in the future?

  1. Be persistent with regard to priorities. Do what is important for you, not succumbing to provocation. If you pass a report tomorrow, and a chatty friend distracts you, just say that you have only 5 minutes for it.
  2. Go for a compromise. If you ask someone to change their behavior, be prepared to change their own.
  3. Manage time. If you do not plan a day, unforeseen circumstances can lead to severe stress.
  4. Do not keep feelings in yourself. Start a habit of openly and respectfully discussing something that does not suit you.
  5. Give up the bad habit of being late, forgetting important things, making concessions for the sake of people, putting off what is important to you.

All this is superfluous in your life. The methods for managing conflicts and stresses are similar: you need to be able to change the situation and sometimes change yourself.

Stress and management of emotional state: adaptation

If you neither ignore nor change the situation, you always have such a path as changing your attitude. The process of managing stress in this case is simple: you see the same situation from a different angle.

  1. Revise the standards. If you are an ardent perfectionist and strive to be everywhere first, think about whether you need it so that you can drive yourself into unnecessary limits.
  2. Perceive the whole situation. If the situation is not so important in the long term, do not worry about it now. Many psychologists are sure: if in 5 years this problem will be irrelevant, then it is not worth your attention.
  3. Think about the positive. You must have at least five themes for reflection, which cause a smile even in a difficult situation.
  4. Change the coordinate system. Find positive problems in the problem, use it for good (for example, in a cork, enjoy music, relax your legs, etc.)

Change your attitude to the problem, and it will cease to exist. This will not happen the first time, but after a couple of weeks of thinking trainings you will get the desired result.