Paleo diet

Does the "palaeo" root mean anything to you? Prepare yourself, modern civilized humanity has reached the diet of cavemen! Either it is very reasonable, and even brilliant, or this is a commonplace "grief from the mind" when in the world of fast food and cola you do not know where to rush, that all this is not. Let's try to figure out what kind of thing this paleo diet is.

What can I do?

The main thing on which the paleo diet is based is the principle by which only food, accessible to the primitive person, should get into your stomach. That is - it's the most natural food, not processed, not frozen, not greenhouse and, of course, not canned. The effect is achieved through ingenious simplicity - less process and eat clean foods, without flavor additives.

There are several food groups that are welcomed in the paleo food.

Meat - low-fat, natural, not frozen and minimally processed. You do not have to rack your brains and invent a thousand recipes, eat a piece of meat, like your ancestors, and forget about the famine. This can be steaks, fillets, lean cutlets, grilled meat and steamed. In addition, game is welcomed.

Fish - absolutely all varieties, as well as various seafood.

Eggs - two yolks a day and an unlimited amount of egg white.

Fruits and vegetables should form the basis of the paleo diet. Any snack consists of berries and fruits, a garnish of vegetables. Exclude potatoes, legumes (including chickpeas, peas and beans ), as well as wheat. These foods increase insulin production, hunger and debilitate the pancreas.

Fruits can be eaten any, but girls should avoid grapes and bananas. Since it is the most sweet fruit with a high content of fructose, which also has the property of being converted to fat.

Nuts and seeds in any form and quantity. But they should all be raw and not fried.

You can not

Dairy products are completely excluded. The paleo diet says that "milk" is more harmful than good, and most people have even hidden allergies to lactose, which lead to swelling and eating disorders. In any case, if you chose a paleo diet, then you can not do without giving up lactic acid products. And on the other hand, this refusal often leads to harm from the paleo diet, because such a huge amount of vitamins contained in dairy products is difficult to replace anything else.

We already discussed beans and wheat, here everything is also very strict.

Salt food also fell into the category of the forbidden, because salt detains fluid in the body, which means it increases our weight. Sausages, sausages, bacon, olives, pickles, ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces and dressings are excluded. It is also excluded all starchy vegetables and, of course, sugar.


Everything except clean water is considered a pampering for the paleo diet adherent. And pampering, however, is sometimes permissible. If you actively train, then you can afford 2-fold pampering a week, eating (within reasonable limits) what the primitive man could not afford.


It is often possible to find references to the relationship of the paleo diet and crossfire. Crossfit is a new American direction of fitness, which consists of the most diverse physical preparation of high intensity. This physical basis will be universal for any sport.

It is the crossfitters who are the main propagandists of the paleo diet, they believe that it is genetically most acceptable to humans. And since in a crossfit, like any other sport, a balanced diet is valued, it can lead to the conclusion that palaeo nutrition is more useful than harmful.