Duck in the sleeve in the oven

Duck meat is considered to be the most flavorful and tasty, but to make it juicy and soft, you need to know some nuances. Today we will tell you the recipes for the preparation of a duck in the sleeve in the oven, using which you can please the guests with a festive and elegant dish.

Duck with apples in the sleeve



So, first let's prepare marinade for the duck in the sleeve. To do this, mix in a bowl of olive oil with peeled and squeezed through the garlic press. Add spice to taste and carefully mix everything. Next, take an orange, wash it, cut it into 4 parts and squeeze out the juice into the marinade. Stir the mass and leave the minutes for 10. The oven is pre-ignited and heated to 180 ° C. Apples are rinsed, wiped dry with a towel, cleaned of seeds, cut into small cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice. Duck carcass is well washed outside and inside. We pull out carefully all the insides and rinse again. After that, we dry it and carefully cover it with marinade. Now fill with apples and sew a hole with dense threads. After that, we put the bird in the sleeve for baking, close with clips and put it on a baking sheet. Bake the dish in the oven for 2 hours, and for 15 minutes until ready, cut the bag and let the carcass slightly brown. We serve the baked duck in the sleeve with any garnish and vegetables.

Duck with oranges in the sleeve


For marinade:


How to cook a duck in the sleeve? Root we throw in salted water, lay out the processed duck and bring it on medium heat to a boil. We boil the carcass for 20 minutes, removing the foam, and then we catch the bird and immediately immerse it in the marinade. For its preparation we mix cognac with pomegranate sauce, we throw salt of spice. All thoroughly mix and cool. We leave the duck for a couple of hours to "rest." And this time we clean the orange, we cut it into slices, we stuff them with a carcass from the inside and fix the hole with toothpicks. After that, we dip it into the sleeve and pour out the remains of the marinade. We add anise, a stick of cinnamon and orange peel. Tie the edges of the package, put it on a baking tray and send it to the oven. Bake the dish for 2.5 hours at a temperature of 180 ° C. That's all, delicious duck in the sleeve is ready!

Duck in the sleeve with potatoes and mushrooms



How to cook a juicy duck in the sleeve? To begin with, we clean the bulbs and shred them with semirings. Mushrooms are processed, cut the plates, and cut the potatoes into cubes. After the vegetables are prepared, let's pass the onion and mushrooms on vegetable oil and add them to taste. Next, put the potatoes to them and fry them, stirring for about 7 minutes. We wash the duck, dry it, process it, rub it with spices and fill it with fried vegetables. Then the abdomen is carefully sewn with threads so that the filling does not fall out when baking. We send the carcass into a heated oven and detect about 1.5 hours. To the duck turned appetizing, with a beautiful ruddy crust, minutes for 15 to readiness, cut the sleeve neatly and bring the dish to the desired state. A ready-made duck with vegetables is served hot with any side dish and salads.