Fear of dirt

Fear of dirt and microbes - germophobia or misophobia, manifests itself in the form of fear of the possibility of getting infected by microbes when contacting another person or surrounding objects. The phobia is quite serious, because it causes many problems that prevent living.

Causes and symptoms of dread

Psychologists thanks to numerous experiments have established that germophobia is a social ailment that arises from the opinion of people that dirt is inherent in the lower estates. Another phobia of fear of dirt can arise because of personal negative experience associated with dirt.

As for the symptoms, the mizophobia manifests itself in a heightened sense of anxiety and fear. A person becomes distracted and difficult to concentrate on different things. Muscular spasms and trembling are often observed. If contact occurs with dirty objects, then signs of GI disorder, nausea , dizziness, etc., often appear. In addition, there is an increase in the pulse and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Treatment of Disease Mischief

To date, there are several effective techniques to cope with the existing phobia:

  1. Taking medication . Drug therapy gives only temporary results, and there is a risk of side effects.
  2. Hypnosis . One of the most effective methods, aimed at relaxing and suspending the work of the conscious part of the brain. This allows you to inspire the patient with the necessary information.
  3. Method of paradoxical intent . This therapy is used in the initial stages and involves meeting with your fear. A person with a phobia is determined to create contaminated conditions.
  4. Psychotherapy . Communication with a professional psychologist is used when the situation is aggravated.