Meditation for attracting money

Try to find a person who does not want to earn at least a little more, almost everyone does not give rest to the idea of ​​quick and easy enrichment. There are many ways to get rich, but they all require a lot of work. The number of easy ways to get rich traditionally includes a variety of mystical rites. Recently, meditation has become increasingly popular for attracting money. There are lots of varieties, let's look at the most famous of them.

Meditation for money - dream visualization

This method is quite simple and, like all meditation techniques , begins with relaxation and concentration on one's desire. The main feature of this meditation for attracting money is that the money itself is considered only as a method of achieving its goals, and therefore the center of the picture will not appear.

Having adopted a convenient position, draw a mental picture at the level of the "third eye" (the chakra of Ajna), which is located just below the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. Do not represent money, do not build the whole process of realization of your desire, and think about your desire, as if it has already been realized. For example, imagine yourself on the beach, behind the wheel of a new chic car, in your spacious and beautiful apartment, etc. Try to make the images as colorful and emotional as possible. Be sure to unite your dream with yourself if you want something abstract, it can be to someone and will come, but it is unlikely to you.

Sviyash - meditation of forgiveness of money

The basis of this meditation for attracting the energy of money is the assumption that the cause of any problem (including health) is a strong resentment towards yourself or another person. Lack of money can also be a consequence of resentment, feelings associated with the problem of money. Because of these experiences, emotional blocks are created that program the mind in such a way that getting more income becomes a difficult task. Fresh blocks are removed during a strong emotional release (extreme sports, sex, bath). But the experience happens much more than cleaning, so the blocks accumulate and prevent us from achieving our goals. To help the body remove negative energy charges Sviyash offers a technique of "forgiving money." It is to give yourself the command to remove all accumulated blocks in a state of meditation. To enter this state, you will need to perform several breathing exercises (hatha yoga). It helps the body to relax as much as possible, and the consciousness enters a special state, which is very similar to the phase of deep sleep. Once this state is achieved, the impact on the energy plan will increase at times, that's it at this time and you need to order yourself to be freed from everything that interferes with life.

The duration of the meditation is 30 minutes, for complete purification it can take from 5 to 10 sessions.

Meditation: "Money is love"

Another interesting meditation on money, sponsored by Klaus J. Joel, is called "Money is Love". The essence of this method lies in the belief that love is the main creative force in this world. And if so, then to receive any benefits, we must love them. If we want to get money, then we need to learn how to love them. Joel created a whole series of lessons, consisting of meditations on a particular topic. Takes this occupation from 10 to 15 minutes, during which you need to try to feel the flow of money flows, to be imbued with love.