Contraindications yoga

Yoga is one of the most gentle techniques. It is very difficult to hurt yourself, and for this you really need to "try." The safety of yoga is due to the fact that all asanas are performed in static (at least in most areas). Static stretching is much safer than dynamic stretching, because still inactive joints can not withstand too frequent and abrupt changes in position.

But still, with the growth of popularity, people's interest in contra-indications of yoga increases.

Basic Contraindications

There are a number of basic contraindications for practicing yoga, which apply to all other sports:

As for the specific contraindications of yoga for beginners, it is necessary to mention hypertension and osteochondrosis (especially with hernias). If the asanas are not properly performed, the spinal nerve root can be squeezed and the hypertensive crisis can occur.

Inverted poses

Contraindications to inverted poses in yoga are much more individual.

First, they should not be performed with poor blood clotting. With an inverted body position, pressure on the vessels increases, and, therefore, blood can easily go from the nose. This will not bring pleasure to either the practitioner or the trainer.

Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to do any inverted poses during the periods. The same prohibition extends to the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, inverted poses can lead to aggravation of the following diseases:

If you have low blood pressure, inverted postures should be performed only at the end of the workout, and not at the beginning.