Time trouble

Sooner or later, but in the life of each person there was such a period when he needed to do a lot of things in a very short period of time, but at the same time there was not enough time for it. Ultimately, this kind of work is not considered useful for the body, because during this time of stressful situations.

Time trouble is a phenomenon of acute shortage of time, a stressful period in the life of a person, negatively affecting his health.

Causes of time trouble

The main reason for the lack of time trouble lies in the well-known phrase "Time is money".

The famous American figure Benjamin Franklin at the end of the 18th century stated that if time is considered the most valuable in a person's life, then "idle pastime" is a big sin. After a while these words turned into a shorter quote, which was mentioned above. It became so popular as a result of the following:

  1. According to Christian teachings, labor is a virtue. That is, hardworking people have fewer thoughts about doing something sinful.
  2. The industrial revolution brought the workers to realize that time is money, because a worker, in his own way, sells his time, when he spends his labor and leisure time on performing the necessary work.
  3. Also popular is the aphorism belonging to Franklin: "Who has money, there is no time. Who always has time, he does not have money. " What is said is that by sacrificing one's time, one gets prosperity.

The work in the time pressure mode negatively affects the life of the employee. It worsens his relationships with others, his mood, his health. Because of the constant lack of time, people forget about what it means to enjoy life, to life's details. As a result of this, the time trouble mode does not allow a person to relax even on vacation, and in turn, he experiences certain remorse from doing nothing.

It is worth noting that time trouble at work appears because of the most common habit of all things postponed at the last minute. But sometimes it appears, if a person takes too many things on himself, wanting to catch everything. As a result, it turns out that some cases are beyond his power. This also gives rise to chronic fatigue syndrome, and constant nervous breakdowns. Often, the reasons for the time trouble is the perfectionism of the person, the desire to do everything perfectly, and this indicates that the individual is spending too much time on some task, which causes the other part of his work to suffer.

Prevention of time trouble

The situation of time trouble may not happen in your life if you follow the advice:

  1. Do not forget about coordination. Stress can knock you off your feet. Therefore, you should always have a well-developed plan of action with the schedule drawn up.
  2. The order in your head depends on the state on your desktop. Every day throw away unnecessary.
  3. The state of time trouble will not disturb you if you treat philosophy with your life. If, nevertheless, you are at the peak of the lack of time, calm yourself, remembering that "Everything passes".
  4. Be able to redistribute the load. Prioritize. Remember that in an instant everything is very difficult to do. Decide on what is primary for you, and what is secondary.
  5. Learn to clearly see your goal, highlighting the incentives to action on the path to it.
  6. Do not strive to become the first person to be included in the world-famous book for being able to work 24 hours a day. Allow yourself at the weekend, for example, to start work not early in the morning, but at lunch.
  7. If you experience a lack of time at work, explain it to your relatives. Inform them that for a certain period you are very dependent on work and can display a sharp change of mood.

And most importantly, do not forget that we live once and we need to appreciate every moment, and not to go headlong into business.