Sweating at night - reasons for women

Sweating is a natural mechanism of thermoregulation of the human body and in most cases does not cause concern. But a strong sweating, especially at night, and in the absence of external factors, not only causes discomfort, interferes with normal sleep, but can also be a symptom signaling the development of certain diseases.

Reasons for sweating at night in women

About increased sweating speak, when at the person for 5 minutes it is allocated 100 and more milliliters of sweat. Of course, it is almost impossible to measure such an indicator, but if a person wakes up at night in a sweat, is forced to get up, change clothes and change wet bed linen, then it is an increased sweating.

External factors that can cause such a phenomenon include:

The most frequent medical reason for severe sweating at night in women is a violation of the hormonal background. Most often they are related to:

In all these cases, sweating at night in women is quite natural, which does not require special treatment, but only observation by a gynecologist and taking measures within the framework of general health care measures.

Other medical factors that can cause sweating at night in women include:

Separately, it should be noted such cases as:

Severe sweating often serves as one of the attendant symptoms when given serious enough and life-threatening conditions.