There is not enough milk for breastfeeding

Every mom wants to breastfeed a baby. But sometimes women face serious problems when trying to establish lactation. Most often young moms are worried about the fact that there is not enough milk for breastfeeding. But do not immediately alarm the alarm and begin to look closely at the mixtures. It is likely that as a result of some efforts you will be able to stimulate more intensive production of milk.

Why does the baby not have enough milk for breastfeeding?

Causes leading to a decrease in lactation, a lot. It:

  1. Feeding in strict regime. One of the most important reasons - when the mother puts the baby to the chest only at certain intervals, ignoring his requirements. Such feeding does not provide sufficient stimulation of the breast.
  2. Applying to the chest for a limited period of time, when your child just does not have time to suck out the necessary amount of milk.
  3. An uncomfortable posture that mom takes during feeding.
  4. Dopaivaniya. The child does not have enough milk for breastfeeding, if you constantly offer him water or compote. As a result, the baby feels full and sucks less than he needs.
  5. Use of bottles for feeding and pacifiers.
  6. Alternate application to various mammary glands during one feeding.
  7. Hormonal disorders.
  8. Prolonged separation of the mother and crumbs after the completion of labor.
  9. Incorrect application.
  10. Reception of diuretics or hormonal contraceptives.

What if there is not enough milk for breastfeeding?

If the baby is anxious, continuously "hanging" on the chest, adds weight less than 500 g monthly, and the number of urination is less than eight times a day, it's time to take action. Consider how to adjust breastfeeding, if milk is not enough:

  1. Try to put the baby to the chest as often as possible, and when he needs it. In the daytime it is necessary to do this every two hours, at night - about three hours. The night break should be no more than four hours.
  2. Refuse to dopaivaniya water, dummies and bottles. If there is very little milk, supplement the infant with a mixture of a spoon, a syringe with a extracted needle, or a feeding system SNS. The required daily volume of the mixture is broken into as small doses as possible, then the crumb will feel slight hunger and with great pleasure will take the breast.
  3. Eat well. Mothers who do not have enough milk for breastfeeding are recommended to eat 4-5 times a day, preferably hot food (porridges, meat, stews and boiled vegetables). Drink should be at least 2.5-3 liters per day.
  4. Drink special teas for enhancing lactation, decoctions of anise seeds, fennel, nettle. There are also medicines intended for this: Laktatosan, Apilak, Mlekoyin.
  5. Do a breast massage, including using a warm shower.