Mental processes

Modern psychology believes that mental processes are closely related and represent a single complex, which is called "psyche". For example, remembering is impossible without perception, and attention - without thinking. Let's take a closer look at the features of mental processes.

Mental cognitive processes

  1. Sensation . Reflects the state of the external environment, which acts through stimuli on our senses. The brain receives nerve impulses, as a result of which this cognitive process is formed.
  2. Thinking . It is a process of processing information in a stream of flow of thoughts, sensations and images. It can occur in different forms and in different capacities. It should be noted that crazy thoughts are also a product of thinking.
  3. Speech . Provides the opportunity to communicate with words, sounds and other elements of the language. It can also have a different character and quality.
  4. Memory . The ability to perceive and save only the necessary information. Our memory is formed gradually. With the development of speech, a person can fix things that he memorized, so the processes of memory are closely related to perception and speech.
  5. Perception . Formation of images and phenomena of the surrounding world. The situation is created in the person's head on the basis of his knowledge, mood, fantasies, expectations, etc. Each person perceives information on the basis of his own experience, and therefore so often there are disputes.
  6. Consciousness . Control over mental processes. This is the inner world of man, which makes it possible to notice inner desires, bodily sensations, impulses, etc. The subconscious and the unconscious can not be controlled.
  7. Attention please . The system of information selection, which allows us to perceive only meaningful information for us. It helps to respond only to interesting or important things for us.
  8. Imagination . Immersion in your inner world and the formation of appropriate pictures. This process plays a very important role in creativity and modeling. Imagination builds images on the basis of already existing representations.

Mental emotional processes

  1. Emotions . Quick and short elements of feelings. Emotions and feelings are used as synonyms. Emotional states are expressive movements that allow one or another attitude to be conveyed.
  2. Motivation . Formation of internal intention, motivation for action. The will compels a person to work through overcoming, and motivation - through inner motivation. It is necessary to competently combine will and motivation .
  3. Proactivity . Man does not react to external influences, but he himself is the creator. He chooses his own actions and launches them. Thus, the individual is ahead of the impact on himself and forms the necessary reactions in the surrounding.
  4. Will . The ability of a person to remember their plans and retain the strength to carry them out, despite the difficulties, distractions and hindrances.

Violation of mental processes

Deviation from the norm is expressed in the form of violation of any of the mental processes. Very often a violation of one function entails changes in the other. The cause of the pathology can be caused by some disease. Quite often, the violation of the basic mental processes occurs with such diseases as:

The doctor makes a clinical picture, on the basis of which the treatment is prescribed. This is done by psychiatrists and neurologists.

Scientists believe that the psyche is closely related to the processes of the macrocosm, so it can be influenced by various factors: weather conditions, flares in the solar system, etc. Remember that if desired, a person has the right and is able to control his mental processes.