Aplicas pouring

Alycha is a prickly tree, the fruits of which are very similar to plums. They have a rounded shape, rather fragrant and juicy. Alycha is very rich in useful substances. It contains acids, carbohydrates, pectin, as well as vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Depending on the content of tannins in them, the color of plumage varies. The biggest concentration is in the black and purple berry. From the fruits you can prepare great alcoholic drinks - a liqueur or wine. In this article we will consider with you how to make a cast from cherry plum.

A recipe for a plaster cast



Alycha carefully sorted and thoroughly washed. Then we put the berries in a bottle and pour them sugar. Tightly close the lid, through which we remove the hose and place the container in a dark and cool place. We lower the hose carefully into the container with water and let the drink infuse for 1 month. We pour out the ready-made liquid, bottle it and store it in any cool place.

Pouring from cherry plum



So, we sort out the berries and, without washing them, put them in a large bottle. Then pour vodka, mix and leave to infuse in a dark cool place for about 40 days. At the end of this period, tincture carefully poured into a separate container, and in the remaining berry deposit we pour 5 glasses of sugar and shake carefully. Now individually insist tincture and a mixture of alcoholic berries with sugar for 40 more days. After that, sweet syrup filter, mix it with tincture and pour on beautiful glass bottles, clogging the lids. In the end, we get a sweet and very fragrant liqueur. About a month later the drink will be finally ready. We serve it on the table in a chilled form and your guests will certainly appreciate all your efforts.

Aplicas pouring



We sort out the berries, throw out the spoiled fruits and put good ones in the jar. Then pour their alcohols, pour sugar, put on the rubber glove with a hole in one finger and put it away in a dark place. When the fermentation process is over, the ready beverage is filtered, bottled and removed for another month in a cool place.