Orthylium lopsided - use

Ortholithic grass is one-sided widely known as the hog uterus. Official medicine treats it wary, but here in the treatment of folk methods, it is very popular.

Therapeutic properties of ortilia

Ortilia grass lopsided is an excellent analgesic, antimicrobial, antitumor, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. With its help, you can strengthen immunity in a short time. It contributes to recovery and with cholelithiasis, gout, gastritis, colitis, chronic hepatitis, radiculitis, cholecystitis, rheumatism and inflammation of the prostate.

The widest use of orthility one-sided found in the treatment of "female" diseases. It improves the reproductive capacity of a woman, increasing the functional activity of the uterus, and helps cope with many gynecological diseases. Use it when:

Ortilia herb is a plant that helps alleviate toxemia and improves the condition of the patient with stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. Tinctures and decoctions of it are also taken with diseases of the liver and gall bladder, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes in the bladder, prostate gland and kidneys, hemorrhoids, ear inflammation (purulent) and urinary incontinence in both adults and children.

Contraindications to the use of one-sided orthility

To treat all of the above diseases was really effective, you need to be sure before using the one-sided orthility in the absence of contraindications. Do not use this herb:

Also categorically it is forbidden to drink tincture of an ortilia lopsided at individual sensitivity to a boric uterus, oncological diseases and in the period of breastfeeding.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the use of one-sided orthility can help reduce the unpleasant manifestations of early toxicosis, but here in large quantities or for a long time it is not used in treatment, as this increases the risk of toxic effects on the fetus.