Mosquito spray

Spray from mosquitoes is one of the most popular forms of repellents due to the convenience, speed of application and good distribution throughout the body surface. These funds are intended for application to clothing and exposed areas of the body, provide effective protection against mosquitoes and some other insects within 2-3 hours.

Effective sprays against mosquitoes

Here is a list of anti-mosquito products for adults in the form of a spray, which, according to reviews, are the most effective:

  1. Gardex Classic (Ukraine) - a remedy based on chemical repellent diethyltoluamide, containing in its composition an extract of aloe vera. After application it provides reliable protection for 3 hours not only from mosquitoes, but also slimy, flies and other blood-sucking insects.
  2. Picnic Extreme (Russia) - spray from mosquitoes and ticks , as well as all kinds of flying insects in conditions of their maximum accumulation. Contains diethyltoluamide and natural eucalyptus oil.
  3. OZZ Standart spray lotion (Belarus) - can be used both for application on the skin and for clothes (does not leave greasy marks). The product is effective for 3 hours, as caring components contains extracts of aloe and chamomile. The active ingredient is diethyltoluamide.
  4. Mosquitall "Universal Protection" (Russia) - a mosquito spray for the whole family on a alcoholic basis, also containing diethyltoluamide. The action time is 3 hours. It has a neutral odor.
  5. Mosquito and insect spray Incognito (UK) is an effective and safe product containing natural ingredients. The basis of the composition is bergamot, camphor and eucalyptus. It lasts for 5 hours.

Spray from mosquitoes at home

Natural spray from mosquitoes is easy to prepare yourself using one of the essential oils that repel insects:

The recipe for the spray is as follows:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of alcohol to a glass of water.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of essential oil.
  3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.