Dough on water for pies

There are a lot of recipes for cooking dough. Now we will tell interesting recipes for pies on water.

Dough for pies without yeast on water



  1. Heat to about 60 degrees with water, salt and stir well.
  2. We sift the flour onto the table. In the center we form a dimple and gradually pour in the prepared hot water.
  3. Gently knead the dough. In the process, we interpose the egg.
  4. We leave the finished dough for half an hour, prying it lightly with flour.
  5. Then we can start working with the test, that is, to make the patties .

Dough for pies on water with yeast



  1. Warm the warm water in a bowl, add about 50 g of flour, dry yeast, 80 g of flour and sugar.
  2. Stir well and remove heat for 20 minutes.
  3. The mass will increase well in volume during this time.
  4. Add salt, pour in the oil, add the remaining flour and stir well each time.
  5. The dough should come out pretty mildly.

Dough for fried patties on water



  1. Dry yeast and sugars are mixed in warm water until they are completely dissolved.
  2. In the container we pour 400 g of flour, make a small dimple and pour in the yeast mass.
  3. Leave the minutes for 40 in a warm place, or you can simply on the table, if the room is not cold, to form a yeast cap.
  4. Add the chicken egg, salt, butter and mix well.
  5. Dosage the rest of the wheat flour, and knead the dough.
  6. We leave it for lifting, and then we already form the products.

Dough for pies on mineral water



  1. In half of the mineral water we pour yeast and 5 grams of sugar. Mix and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour the spoon into a bowl, drive in eggs, put salt, butter, the rest of the sugar, pour in mineral water and stir.
  3. Then gradually sypem flour and form the dough. It will come out elastic and soft. We cover it and leave it for an hour to rise in a warm place, where there are absolutely no drafts.
  4. After that, we knead the dough and proceed to the formation of products.

Dough on water for patties in the oven



  1. First we mix warm water with yeast, sugar and 50 g of flour.
  2. We stir well and spend a quarter of an hour standing up.
  3. Now sprinkle salt and pour in the oil, it is desirable that it does not have a smell.
  4. Pour the flour into small pieces and form the dough.
  5. We remove again for a quarter of an hour in heat.
  6. When the dough properly rises, you can work with it further, that is, you can proceed directly to the molding of pies.

Quick dough for pies on water



  1. Of all the ingredients, knead the soft dough, cover it and leave it for 20 minutes to warm up.
  2. After it is well suited, we douse it and it is possible to proceed directly to the formation of pies.