Shingles in the stomach and back

When there is a girdling pain in the stomach and back, which covers the trunk almost "ring", more often people think that they have rheumatism or any damage to the spine. But such pain sensations can signal that other pathological changes occur in the body. It is important to understand the cause of what illness is the pain in the stomach and back, then it will be easier to get rid of it.

The causes of the appearance of shingles

Girdling pain in the stomach and back can appear when the human body is infected with a virus that causes shingles. Painful patches with this pathology always arise from two sides, since symmetrical nerve endings are affected.

The shrouding pain in the stomach area in some cases is a consequence of inflammation of the nerve endings when:

Such painful sensations will be amplified at turns, inclinations, sneezing or coughing.

Strong shivering pain in the stomach can be a symptom of internal diseases. It appears when:

The condition in which there is a noisy or sharp girdle of pain, may indicate inflammation of the gallbladder. Simultaneously, severe bitterness in the mouth , nausea and slightly increased temperature. It is rare that such feelings occur with pleurisy. In severe cases, they are accompanied by the onset of shortness of breath, a sense of heaviness and reflex cough. In pregnant women, shingles are a sign of a threat of miscarriage, premature birth and ectopic pregnancy.

Diagnosis with the appearance of shingles

What kind of disease caused the appearance of shingles in the stomach and back, it becomes clear only after a complete examination. Therefore, the patient is assigned:

Treatment of shingles

In the case of shingles that occur simultaneously in the stomach and back, is strictly prohibited:

Immediately call an ambulance if sharp or dull pain does not go away for a few days or if your stomach is swollen. To the doctor it is necessary to address urgently and at pregnancy. With this condition, the treatment is aimed at completely eliminating the causes of such pain, removing the edema and anesthesia. To eliminate pain, Paracetamol, Ketanov or Ibuprofen are most often used. In some cases, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

If the patient is diagnosed with shingles, the therapy is started by taking drugs that stop the reproduction of the herpes virus. It can be Acyclovir and its analogs. The cause of pain in the musculoskeletal system? It should not only eliminate inflammation and pain, but also stabilize the spine and strengthen the muscles of the back. To do this, you should hold a massage, physiotherapy and do wellness exercises.

In rare cases, the most effective manual impact on trigger points. Those who have been diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm are given an operative intervention and radiation or chemotherapy.