Socialization of the child

In the first months of his birth, the child is sufficiently close to contact only with his parents: their tenderness, care, love. But growing up, krohe more and more requires a different kind of communication: playing with peers, interacting with other family members, with the outside world - this is called socialization of the child, without which the life of any full member of society can not. The main goal of this interaction is the training of the baby norms and rules of behavior, the skills of building relationships.

Mugs and sections, as an additional way of socialization

To prove the importance of communication for children, I think, it makes no sense, every parent who loves and desires happiness for his child understands this perfectly without unnecessary words. The socialization of younger schoolchildren occurs not only in the team in which he studies, but also in various sections and circles. Therefore, it is so important from the early childhood to instill in the child interest in various spheres of creativity, sports. This is not only the acquisition of new skills for him, but also the strengthening of health, and if your baby still achieves a certain success, it gives him and confidence, in addition new friends, a different circle of friends give the child new emotions and other examples of building relationships .

The role of socialization in the lives of children

Socialization of preschool children, as a rule, takes place in kindergarten. And even if the parents have the opportunity to sit with the kid before school at home, it is better to abandon it, because the sooner the crumb will have a new social circle, the more likely he will achieve success in life and he will have more chances for self-realization.

Equally important is the socialization of the child in the family, but it should be remembered that in the circle of parents and relatives the baby plays the same role, and in the team he has the opportunity to try on new ones. Encourage your crumb skills from the earliest age: go play in the playgrounds, visit with him the various schools of development, because the role of socialization in the lives of children is not exaggerated, in the future your baby will certainly thank you.

Features of socialization

Usually, the socialization of adolescents brings certain difficulties to their families, because at that moment their child is experiencing a transitional age, and the authority of the parents is inferior to that of friends and peers. Hormonal failure, complexes about changing appearance make it difficult sometimes to communicate between growing up children. Psychologists advise at this time, as much as possible to pay attention to their children, try to be friends for them. If parents and teenagers have a common hobby, this will save the situation, strengthen the adolescent's faith in himself and raise self-esteem.