How to start losing weight?

Somehow, women always want to change something in themselves. Even in the most beautiful figure, the girl will always find something to correct. We will not discuss the correctness of such perfectionism, but we note that often such an improvement comes down to the desire to lose weight. And in losing weight the most difficult thing is to start doing exercises and stick to a diet. How correctly to start to grow thin? When is it better to start a diet? This we will talk about in today's article. We want to warn that these tips do not imply an immediate result, but help to get used to a system that helps to lose weight without harming one's health.

How to eat on a diet?

Making yourself begin to lose weight is the most difficult part of improving your body. Our tips will help you get on the right diet:

  1. The main stress with which our body is so difficult to cope during a diet is restrictions. Therefore, at first, do not try to delete all harmful products from your menu. Eat as varied as before, but limit portions. It is better to eat a little 5 times a day than 3 and very abundant. Such food helps the stomach to decrease in volume, accordingly, attacks of hunger will torment you much less often
  2. Remember the basic rule of French women - stop the meal slightly hungry. The stomach needs time to transmit to the brain a signal about satiety, so if you are full, you will most likely eat more.
  3. Such foods as sweet, flour and whole milk are perceived as a separate meal. Over time, reduce the intake of simple carbohydrates to a minimum - the process should be mild and gradual. For example, sweet can be replaced with fruits and a small amount of quality bitter chocolate.
  4. Arrange unloading days: a day on cucumbers, apples or yogurt will invigorate the body, and your self-esteem, coupled with willpower.
  5. Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Stopping eating after six is ​​not really helpful if you go to bed at midnight. Moreover, remember that dinner is the easiest meal.
  6. Drink water before eating, not after. Before a meal, a glass of water will quickly assimilate the stomach and warn you against overeating. But after the liquid dilutes the gastric juice and disrupts the digestive process.
  7. Do not put grandiose goals - 3 days in a mode is also a feat, as to force yourself to start losing weight is the most difficult stage. Of course, that during this period you will not lose extra pounds, but this time will give you strength and faith in yourself, so that it will not be difficult to continue the diet.
  8. Since it is impossible to start a diet correctly without physical exertion, enter into your regime an easy warm-up. You do not have to train in the morning, exercises can be done at any time of the day. Remember that it is recommended not to eat 2 hours before the workout and an hour after. Our body continues to burn calories after fitness for 5 hours, so let it process excess fat, and not a hearty supper.

When is it better to go on a diet?

There is an opinion that the best day for starting a diet is today. Once you have decided to begin to lose weight, immediately begin to fulfill the plan. It does not matter what you ate and did after-the best way is to start to follow the diet and training plan, while the fire in the eyes is still burning. All these tips are effective in the 4-15 days of the menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman is on the rise, energy is just boiling in her. But after ovulation, the mood and belief in one's own strength begins to fall. It is especially difficult in the first days of menstruation and a week before them - these are not the most favorable days for starting a diet. In this period, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a chocolate bar and lying on the couch instead of going to a fitness club. It's better to reread our useful tips when you feel good again.