Sciatica - symptoms

Lumbosacral radiculitis is characterized by sciatica nerve inflammation due to squeezing of the roots of the spinal cord and is called sciatica - the symptoms of this disease can be different depending on the causes of the syndrome.

Sciatica disease - why does it occur, and what kind of disturbances occur?

In the lumbar region are the five largest vertebrae in the entire human body. This size is explained by the fact that this area assumes always the greatest load. The vertebrae are interconnected by the intervertebral discs. In addition, through them passes the spinal cord, from which, in turn, branch off the nerve roots. Their ends form a sacral plexus, which is the beginning of the sciatic nerve. Due to constant loads on the lumbar region, the nerve roots are most strongly compressed in this area, the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, which leads to pain syndrome and various disorders, including the development of radiculitis.

Sciatica - Species

The following types of disease are distinguished by the level and degree of lesion of the sciatic nerve:

Also, sciatica is primary and secondary. Classification depends on the etiology of the disease: if radiculitis occurs due to damage to the sciatic nerve by toxins or infection, it is primary. Inflammation due to the progression of other diseases (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis) is considered secondary.

Causes of sciatica

The most common disorder that provokes the described syndrome is a herniated intervertebral disc. In this case, there is a partial or complete rupture of the fibrous rings, because of which the gelatinous contents of the nucleus of the vertebra protrude and, thereby, squeezes the nerve root.

Other common causes of sciatica are infections:

Pathogenic microorganisms in the life cycle release toxins that accumulate in the sciatic nerve and provoke its inflammation.

In addition to these factors, the following causes of disease progression are also noted:

How does sciatica manifest itself?

First of all, the disease makes you aware of yourself with a pain syndrome. Unpleasant sensations arise, as a rule, on the one hand and are permanent, chronic. The intensity of pain in patients is different and depends on the causes of the syndrome. It should be noted that This sign extends not only to the lumbar region, but radiates to the posterior surface of the thigh, up to the popliteal fossa.

Sciatica - symptoms of a neurological type: