Orchid - home care after purchase, home maintenance rules

The favorite of many today is a delicate and refined orchid, home care after the purchase of which does not mean anything complicated, can please its blooming not one week. Observing simple rules, you can easily create a comfortable home environment for growth and flowering.

Orchid care after purchase in the store

Ideally, a budding florist first learns how to care for an orchid after purchase, and only then brings home a flower. But it also happens otherwise - if, for example, a plant is presented to you, you have to study its features urgently. How can we help the orchid adapt at home, provide care, and how to create it an ideal environment for development and flowering?

Orchid after shopping in the store - what to do?

Bringing an orchid into the house, you should be ready for anything - often the flower begins to fade, to discard the buds. To panic and urgently to save a plant it is not necessary - so there is an adaptation of an orchid after purchase. But in our power to help the plant get used to. What should be done immediately after the acquisition of orchids, so that her further life would be comfortable?

  1. Thoroughly inspect for diseases and pests. The faster you find the problem, the easier it is to cope, plus, most likely there are other flowers in the house that can get infected. If you do not find the problem immediately, it may appear a little later, so it's better to keep the plant away from the rest for the first two weeks.
  2. We examine the soil. If we find white coating on the bark, we immediately remove these pieces.
  3. Choose a place for a flower. Orchids love light, but bright sun rays are harmful to them. The ideal place will be a window sill or a loggia on the north or east side.
  4. Temperature regime. Orchid is a tropical plant, and home care after buying should take this into account. Optimal temperature of the flower is 20-25 ° C, in the first weeks it is important to ensure this mode.

When to water the orchid after purchase?

Orchids love moisture, but if you overdo it, there will be more harm than a drought. The first watering of the orchid after the purchase is made not earlier than 7-10 days, in the future it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. When it dries completely and there is no condensation on the walls of the pot, it should be moistened, on average it is done every 2-3 weeks, depending on the temperature and humidity of the air.

How to properly water the orchid is another very important issue in the care of a flower. For this we need warm water (in the extreme case, not lower than room temperature). Place the pot in a container, pour water so that the soil is moistened completely, leave the pot in a container with water for about 10 minutes. After that, take it out, let the water drain completely and place it in the usual place.

Orchid - transplant after purchase

In occasion of, whether it is necessary to transplant an orchid after purchase, there are different opinions, and quite often there are disputes on this theme. Some believe that the sooner you do this, the better for the plant, and according to others, transplantation is a big stress for the flower, and it's not worth to expose the plant to risk without weighty reasons. Both points of view are very well founded and have the right to exist. But how do you know if your orchid needs to be transplanted?

When to transplant an orchid after buying at a store?

Whether it is necessary to immediately transplant an orchid after purchase, it is possible to define on following items:

  1. If the orchid looks good, that is nothing in its appearance you do not bother, it stably stands in the pot and does not stagger, in the lower part of the pot you do not observe the darkened roots, it is not worth hurrying with the transplant.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the lower part of the plant, for this it is worth digging a little ground. Carefully inspect pseudobulbs - they should be green or light yellow, depending on the variety, there should be no darkening. If the color embarrasses you, you should do a transplant.
  3. In many shops, orchids are first grown in small pots of moss, then transplanted into a larger container without removing moss. If you find the moss after the purchase in the flowerpot, do not hesitate with the transplant.
  4. If the roots of the orchid do not fit into the pot, and while the flower is at rest, it is worth making a transplant, choosing a container a little more.

Orchid, home care after purchase, including transplantation, was performed correctly, quickly adapted and will begin to grow actively. But for this it is also important to choose the right substrate. Ideal soil should consist of a pine bark, pieces of which should not exceed a length of 1 cm. Before planting a flower, the bark should be boiled and dried to prevent the appearance of mold.

How to transplant an orchid after purchase?

Transplantation of orchids after purchase in the store is as follows:

  1. Gently removes the flower from the pot along with the ground. If this can not be done easily, do not make an effort, you will damage the roots. In this case it is better to cut the pot.
  2. Further, the root of the orchid together with the substrate for a while is placed in a container of water.
  3. With the help of the shower, we remove the remains of the soil from the roots.
  4. Carefully inspect the roots, remove the decayed and dried up areas, the places of the slices are sprinkled with charcoal. Next, put the flower on the towel.
  5. We spread to the bottom of the vase drainage - claydite or ceramic shards.
  6. Pour the substrate layer approximately 5 cm into it, carefully place the plant.
  7. Pour out the substrate on top and gently tamp our hands. Water in the early days of the plant is not necessary.
  8. If necessary, we put the supports and fixes the orchid in the pot.

Orchid transplantation after purchase during flowering

Transplanting a blooming orchid after a purchase can be very traumatic for a plant, a flower is more difficult to take root in a new soil. This is easy to explain, because all the forces of orchids are aimed at flowering. Therefore, without much need to do this is not recommended. To transplant a flowering orchid is worth it, if you have discovered diseases, pests or decaying roots.

Why does the orchid fade after buying?

The reasons why an orchid withers after buying may be several:

  1. Normal process of adaptation. Sometimes, if all the rules of care are observed, the flower wilt and discards the buds, this may be a variant of the norm.
  2. Diseases and pests. It is possible that parasites attack the plant.
  3. Too bright light. In bright sun, the leaves may begin to wilt or dry.
  4. Lack of moisture. If the leaves fade, and the flowers become more sluggish, try watering the orchid more often.