Why do the joints of the hands and feet ache?

Pain syndrome in the place of flexion of limbs or fingers indicates the progression of inflammatory, as well as dystrophic diseases of cartilaginous tissue. To properly form a therapeutic approach, it is necessary to find out why the joints of the hands and feet ache. The establishment of exact causes is possible after a careful study of the characteristic symptoms and the conduct of radiographic studies.

Why the large joints of the hands and feet ache - the main causes of this condition

The group of joints under consideration includes:

The most common diagnosis for pain in these places is rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the cartilaginous tissue and synovial bag. Joints of the hands and feet hurt most in the morning, there is swelling of the affected areas, increased local temperature, redness of the skin.

Other factors provoking the described problem:

What are the reasons for the small joints of the hands and feet?

Also, there are pathologies that affect articular tissues in the phalanges of the fingers and wrists.

Most likely the pain syndrome in such cases is caused by gout. The cause of this disease is the deposition in the joints of solid purine crystals. Pain is accompanied by severe inflammation, swelling and flushing of the affected area. Clinical manifestations of gout always appear sharply, are clearly expressed and give a tangible discomfort.

It is worth noting that the pain syndrome in the fingers and wrists can be provoked by any of the above diseases of large joints. There are also additional causes of the pathological condition:

Because of what hurt the joints and bones of the legs and arms?

If the pain syndrome affects not only cartilaginous, but also bone tissue, perhaps the reason lies in the transition of one of the above diseases to a difficult stage. In addition, there are pathologies, a characteristic feature of which is precisely bone pain: