Pouring cranberries on vodka

Pouring cranberries on vodka is just a wand - a remedy for such cases, when guests want to treat themselves with some original beverage of their own preparation. It is prepared quickly enough, but it turns out quite pleasant to the taste and useful.

A simple recipe for liqueur from cranberry



We offer a simple option, how to prepare a filling from cranberry. We take cranberry juice, strain and pour a glass of sugar. We mix everything thoroughly, warm it up a little, so that the sugar crystals completely disappear. After that, pour a liter of vodka into the berry mixture and leave the drink for a day. The next day we pour "cranberry" into a carafe and treat it to a natural drink of guests.

The recipe for liqueur from cranberry



Another option is how to make a fill from cranberry. Take a clean three-liter jar and put it crushed in a blender cranberry. Then we pour sugar, pour in a glass of spring water and fill it with alcohol. Close the tight lid and put it for a month in a dark place away from the children. After a lapse of time, we filter the drink well through the filter and leave it for a few more days to stand. That's all, the liquid from cranberry to alcohol is ready.

Cream of cranberries



We peel the berries of cranberries, peel them from twigs and stems, rinse them, turn them over to a colander and let the water drain. Then each berry pierce in several places with a needle, put it in a clean jar and cover it with sugar. As soon as the cranberry gives juice, pour vodka into the jar, close it with a lid and put it in a dark place for a couple of months. Then we tincture the tincture, pour it into a decanter and serve it to the festive table.

Delicious liqueur from cranberry



Cranberries thoroughly sorted and washed. Then we pass the berries together with the sugar through the meat grinder, or grind the blender. After that, pour vodka into a saucepan with berry puree, mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for 5 days, daily, stirring. Next, we tincture the tincture through gauze, folded in several layers, we stand for another day, poured into beautiful bottles and served to the table.

In the same simple way, you can make a tincture of cranberries for alcohol or wine from cranberries .