Caviar from green tomato

At the end of the season, with the onset of cold weather, as a rule, there are a lot of tomatoes that did not have time to ripen and remained green. Some housewives simply get rid of such fruits, considering them not suitable for food. But in fact, there are a lot of recipes that allow you to benefit from processing the unripe crop, resulting in delicious and decent snacks. One of those is caviar from green tomatoes. This is what we are going to talk about today and will offer variations in the preparation of billet.

How to cook caviar from green tomato for winter - a simple recipe



Green tomatoes for cooking my caviar, cut into parts and with cleaned bulbs and carrots let's go through a meat grinder or grind into the blender's vessels. Place the twisted vegetable mass in an enameled vessel or a suitable saucepan and cook after boiling with frequent stirring for about an hour and a half. Now we add salt to the caviar, add sunflower oil without flavor, boil for another twenty minutes and then pack it in pre-prepared sterile and dry containers. We seal the vessels with boiled lids and wrap them for gradual cooling and natural sterilization.

Spicy roe from green tomato for winter



In this case, in the caviar of green tomatoes, we add pods of sweet Bulgarian and hot pepper, which will make the taste of the billet richer and sharper.

Just like in the previous case, mine and cut into pieces green tomatoes and peeled bulbs, and also prepare carrots and pods, freeing them from the pedicels and seed boxes.

We pass the prepared pieces of vegetables through a meat grinder with a fine grate and place the vegetable mass in a pan of enamel of a suitable size. Cook the billet for an hour and a half, stirring frequently, then add salt to taste, sugar, sunflower oil and vinegar, throw laurel leaves and pepper black ground, mix and cook for another fifteen minutes.

Immediately pack the hot caviar on dry, sterile jars, cap them immediately cooked for five minutes with lids and set to self-sterilize under a warm blanket or blanket.

Caviar from green tomato with mayonnaise in multivark



Initially, we saute the sunflower oil in the "Bake" mode in the "Bake" mode, adding tomato and spices to taste in the process, after which we put the fry temporarily in a bowl, and in the multicastry lay the green tomatoes, zucchini and mayonnaise twisted in the meat grinder. We mix the mass, transfer the device to the function "Quenching" and prepare the contents for two hours. Half an hour before the signal about the completion of the program, add the prepared onion onions with tomato and spices, add salt to taste, sugar and mix.

After the eggs are ready, we spread it hot on sterile and necessarily dry vessels, we seal them and leave them to sterilize themselves, wrapping them up with something warm.