Lymphosarcoma - symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Malignant oncological disease, which affects the lymphatic system in conjunction with internal organs, is called lymphosarcoma. As a rule, they are ill with people in old age, after 50 years, sometimes a tumor is found in mature women. In therapy, it is important at what stage lymphosarcoma was detected - the treatment of symptoms and the prognosis of pathology depends on the timeliness of the measures taken.

Common symptoms of lymphosarcoma

There are many varieties and forms of the described cancer, each of which is characterized by specific clinical manifestations. Common signs of lymphosarcoma are:

Treatment of lymphosarcoma

The therapeutic complex approach is developed in accordance with the stage of the tumor.

At 1 and 2 stages of the development of the disease, drug treatment is recommended in combination with radiotherapy. The following drugs are used:

Simultaneously with taking medications, the tumor is irradiated, the dose (total) of the radiation received is about 45-46 Gray, which accumulates during the 6-week course.

Radiation therapy is ineffective at stages 3 and 4, therefore only chemotherapy. The number of courses is from 6 to 17.

Sometimes, if the tumor is localized in an organ, surgical intervention is used. The operation involves not only the removal of the pathological accumulation of cells, but also the entire affected organ.

Prognosis with lymphosarcoma

Early stages of tumor development with limited prevalence are successfully cured in 85-100% of cases. The late stages of progression, as well as the generalization of the oncological process, the forecast is unfavorable.