Psychology of family relations tests

Everyone knows that the family is an important unit of a happy society. The psychology of family relations is a science that studies the phenomenon of the family, its functions and develops tests to diagnose the level of development of relations in the family.

Tests for family relationships

With the help of diagnostic tests a person is able to obtain the information he needs, which assesses the relationship of the spouses. Psychological tests of family relationships reveal features in communication, in the personal qualities of both spouses, the commonality of their interests and methods of conducting free family time.

Here is a brief description of the questionnaires aimed at diagnosing relationships in the family.

  1. Spousal communication is the main family well-being. Diagnosis of family relations helps each of the spouses to provide personal comfort and Novikova's test (published in 1994) is aimed at determining the level of openness, trust of partners to each other, the degree of sympathy, the nature of the distribution of roles in the family.
  2. The test "Communication in the family" is able to determine the level of communication, trust among spouses, their similar features in views, ease of their communication, the degree of mutual understanding.
  3. The project questionnaire "Family Sociogram" diagnoses the communicative nature of family relations.
  4. "Role distribution in the family" is aimed at revealing the level of realization by the spouse and the wife of a certain role: the mistress (host) of the home, the psychotherapist, the one who is responsible for material family well-being or for raising children, the organizer of entertainment.
  5. The family relationship test "Setting in a family relationship" determines the views of the individual, depending on the ten spheres of life that have a great influence on family interaction.
  6. Diagnostics "Leisure - interests" determines the attitude of the interests of both spouses and the degree of their consent during free time.
  7. Tests, based on the study of the psychological basis of family relationships, determine the level of satisfaction of each of the family members by marriage. This testing is applicable only in advisory practice in the form of an individual assignment.
  8. Diagnostic questionnaire "Interaction of spouses, the nature of their relationships during conflict situations" is able to give a number of characteristics on certain parameters. Identifies the level of conflict in family relationships.

To determine the level of well-being in family relationships, several different diagnostic methods should be used.